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31st October

[Name] woke up early, extremely excited for Halloween.

After having breakfast and doing some homework for school she went upstairs and hastily put on her costume.

Standing in front of the mirror [Name] admired the elaborate designs on the clown mask and her favourite colour all along the fabric.

She wondered what Michaels costume looked like and she was eager to see it. He had told her that he also had a clown costume so [Name] was excited to match with him however he told her that he wasn't going to show her until they met up on Halloween evening.

They had arranged to meet later on in the evening but [Name] now thought that was silly. She wanted to hang out with him now.

She had no other choice but to wait and being as impatient as she was it wasn't an easy task. She ran downstairs to watch some cartoons and play some games, occupying herself until the evening.


[Name] waved goodbye to her parents and stepped out the door, clutching a bag for trick or treating.

On her way to Michaels house [Name] decided to stop at a few houses and get some sweets that she could share with Michael.

After she had stopped at a few of her neighbours houses she made her way over to Michaels house but something was wrong.

From down the street she could see the flashing red and blue lights surrounding his house, and there was a crowd of people watching.

She approached nervously, peering through the crowd of people, trying to get a glimpse of what was happening.

There was a lot of shouting and commotion and [Name] began to worry for Michael.

That was when she spotted him, standing with a bloody knife and costume, an empty stare on his face.

He stared ahead of him blankly as a police officer stood in front of him, seemingly trying to take the blood stained knife away from him.

Eventually when the police officer managed to get Michael to drop the knife she held onto his arm, stood him up and started to walk him to the police car.

At this point [Name] had made her way to the front of the crowd. She was extremely confused and was worried for Michael, having no idea what was happening.

She shouted out to him, trying to get his attention

He turned his head and caught sight of [Name] standing there, looking distressed and becoming increasingly upset.

He began to struggle, trying to get to her. It was Halloween, he wanted to spend time with her but the police officer held him back.

He started to get angry at the police officer as he kept struggling to get away.

He began shouting and kicking but he was pushed into the police car, his desperate shouts being muffled by the car.

[Name] tried to get to him, she wanted to know what was happening. She tugged on the sleeve of one of the police officers standing there.

"Excuse me! What's happening? Why are you taking my friend away?!" [Name] asked anxiously.

"Oh dear... you're Michaels friend? Don't worry about him...we just need to take him away for a while... where are your parents?"

"What did he do?! I want to speak to him!"

"Look... let me take you back home, I can speak to your parents about what happened and maybe you can go to visit him."

"How can I trust you! You're a stranger and you just took my friend away!"

At this point [Name] was in tears and very distressed. The police officer looked down at her sympathetically and crouched down.

"What's your name sweetie?"


"Well [Name] I know you might not trust me but if you could take me to your mum or dad then we can talk about this. Then I can tell you what is going on... is that ok?"

[Name] looked up at the police officer wearily and then began leading the way to her house. She was upset but tried not to show it.

All she had wanted was to spend Halloween with Michael.

So what had happened?

His Friend [Michael Myers x F Reader]Where stories live. Discover now