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Billie smiled at herself in the mirror and called herself gorgeous a few times before getting in the shower. This was a daily habit she had picked up from therapy a while back. Positive affirmations in the morning so her subconscious would hear it and find it easier to believe it.

She washed her hair, body and face and got out of the shower. Once she had done that, she dressed herself in comfy clothes and slipped some shoes on; then wore her coat. It was Tuesday again so it had been a week since she was stood up by you.

The café was quite busy, Billie came here every Tuesday though so she knew what to expect. The Café was tucked away neatly in the more quiet areas of the city. Vines decorated the outside beautifully, showing how well the building had aged and some fairy lights were hung around on the ceiling and edge of the walls.

Walking into the café, a view of a high-arc wall around 10 feet in front of the entrance and to the right was the bar of where customers would stand and wait to order their food and drinks. The fairy lights were a soft, pale yellow and were always such a vibe to be under. Especially at night, when the moonlight's rays shyly peaked into the cafe and reflected off the large mirror behind the counter where orders and taken.

The cafe was rarely empty when it was open and Billie had learned not to mind that so much.

She sits there, drawing random people who she thinks are beautiful enough to be put in her sketchbook and takes the time to enjoy the soft laughter and chatting of people around her. Billie would listen to music on her phone with her AirPods but she just did not feel the need to. In this moment, she wanted to be present. Listen to people having friendly conversations and making kind small-talk with the baristas and waitresses as they ordered.

"Hey, Billie."

Billie looks up immediately—people don't really talk to her.

"Oh, Y/N. Hi. Sorry, did I not make it clear that it was last Tuesday? It's okay."

Billie smiled and dismissed you. Whatever, she didn't care—as long as you were there now.

"No I... I just didn't wanna see you again."

Billie lost her smile just like that. You felt a bit guilty but you weren't gonna lie to her face straight away after not seeing her for 4 years.

"Oh... okay. Uhm, how come you're here?" Billie tried to keep smiling at you. It actually made you feel so bad. She seems a lot different to how you remember her. But then again, that was four years ago. People change a lot.

"I thought about what you said and I would like an explanation. I want that closure and want to be clear on everything with you. I don't want you to lie and obviously it works both ways. I don't want to hold a grudge forever."

"Okay, sit down and we'll talk."

You sat down opposite Billie on the small round, dark wood table and looked at the drawing she had came up with so far.

"You're really good at drawing. I didn't even know you drew."

Billie smiles up at you as she closes her sketchbook and places it in her bag.

"Yeah... thanks, I only got into it, like, last year. I really enjoy it. It takes a lot of patience and that's something I've been really working on these past few years."

Billie chuckled softly, messing with her blonde hair.

It's silent between you both.

Changed (B.E.) {COMPLETED}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora