Part 1

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"You're so beautiful." Bella Swan, lying on a white bed says looking at her firstborn. Her belly torn in a bloody hole from Edward biting and doing a disgusting C-section just to keep his child alive. "Hm."

Edwards hears it. Another child. He gives Rosalie his firstborn and dings in once more finding his second child. Bella's heart stops beating and he stares in shock. His second child killed her. He glares at the baby with two different colored eyes staring up at him.

"You killed your mother." Edward places the child on the floor not caring about the monster and works on keeping Bella alive pumping at her chest. 

"Edward, why did you do that?" Jacob asks looking from the bloody child on the floor not saying anything to the vampire furiously trying to revive his wife.

"It killed Bella." Jacob already feeling hurt by Bella's death goes to the baby and picks her up. He looks at her and the light reflects in her two colored eyes. Jacob freezes as time moves slowly. Flashing in his vision swims the girl growing up smiling at him. She runs with her long brown hair flapping behind her as her hand brushes his wolf's fur. She goes over to three men and smiles hugging them. Jake also goes over and sits near the vampires. 

"Jacob." Jake blinks out of his vision and glances at the pixie next to him. "Let me clean her up."

Jake nods but doesn't seem to want to let go. He instead holds her closer not caring about the blood on her staining his shirt, he walks out of the room with Alice. He helps her clean up. She looks at him the whole time and he smiles at her. She is his imprint. The growling outside pulls his attention to the pack. He will not let Sam harm his imprint.

"Take care of her while I fix this." Jacob hands the child to the pixie before marching outside and giving out an alpha roar. Sam and the wolves halt looking at him. Seth marches out as well and reading his mind, he imprinted on the other child.

"It's over. You kill them, you kill us." Sam growls and launches at Jake shoving him in the air. He growls and shifts roaring at the other alpha. Licking his fangs, Jake walks over stranding tall.

"Jacob and Seth imprinted," Carlisle explains not needing Edward to read minds. "They are now under pack protection. It is their absolute law to not harm any imprint."

The pack growls but they leave. Jake licks his jaws and turns to look at the Cullens. 

'Woah, I didn't know Bella had two children.' Seth says in his alpha mind.

'Neither did Edward and now he blames her for killing Bella.' Jake growl remembering the cold glare the vampire gave the child.

"Jacob, Seth, go and turn back and we can talk inside. Bella will awake soon." The two wolves nod and turn to go shift in the woods.

After changing, Seth and Jacob head inside and even Leah comes in with them. They gather in the living room with Alice holding Jake's imprint while Rosalie holds Seth's. Seth looks at his alpha for permission and he nods for him to be with his mate. Jake goes over and Alice hands the clean and dressed red onesie girl to the wolf. 

"Carlisle, there is something you should know," Alice exclaims gaining everyone's attention. "This little girl is mute but she has an ability. She can read minds and can talk to someone in their mind after touching them and sharing a bond."

Jacob looks down at his imprint and she blinks up at him. Seeming to understand, she lifts her small hand to his cheek and Jake feels a soft presence in his brain. It is softer and gentler than Edward before an amazing cute voice speaks in his mind.

"Hello." The big alpha smiles at her.

'Hey, my name is Jake.'

'Hi Jake, I would tell you my name but I don't have one yet.' Jake frowns looking at the family watching them.

"She doesn't have a name," he tells them.

"Oh, could I pick?" Alice asks jumping beside him.

"Sure." Jake's imprint looks at Alice and just then the morning sunlight beams in casting a ray of light in her eyes. Her two-colored eyes shine like crystals. Her left was an emerald and her right a sapphire.

"Hm...Oh, I know! Sapphire Emerald Cullen." Sapphire smiles wide showing her gums. "I knew she would like it."

"You saw it didn't you?" Rosalie asks.

"Yep. Oh and Jake isn't the only male destined to be with Sapphire." 

"Who else?" Carlisle asks.

"The Volturi kings." Something broke in the other room and they go to see Edward crush a vase.

"Edward!" Esme exclaims. Jacob could only guess it was one of her vases.

"Absolutely not. That can't be." He denies it glaring at Sapphire. "She killed Bella."

"Edward, it is not her fault." Carlisle defends Sapphire.

"She is just a baby!" Rosalie says holding Renesmee in her arms.

"Yeah, but she is still a monster." Sapphire whimpers in Jake's mind and he holds her closer.

"Then you don't deserve her," Alice exclaims turning away from him and walking over to Jacob. "If even Bella casts her out then I will take her in as my own child."

"Fine by me." Edward throws his hands up surrendering and giving up his role as a father to Sapphire. Jake glares at the vampire. Sapphire didn't kill Bella but the stupid vampire just throws his own child out. That is fucking sick.

"Jasper?" Alice looks at the major and he smiles nodding. "Jacob?"

"I am fine with it." Sapphire stretches her arms out toward Alice. She in turn picks her up and out of the wolf shifter's arms.

"Yes, I am your new mommy." Sapphire must be speaking in her mind. She in turn reaches for Jasper and he grabs her small hand. He smiles and nods. 

"She asks if it is alright if you guys want to connect with her so she can talk to all of you," Jasper explains.

"Really!? Cool." Emmett walks over first and Sapphire eyes still sparkle when she looks at the big vampire. "Hey, tenderfoot. I'm Emmett." They hold hands and he laughs.

"What did she say?" Esme asks walking over and placing her hand on Sapphire's head. "Woah."

Rosalie goes over next and then Seth and then Carlisle. Soon they all hear her voice in their heads speaking at once.

'Are you all my family now?'

"We are." Carlisle answers for us.

'Yay!' The Cullen and wolves chuckle and walk back downstairs waiting for Bella to wake up. Anxious about the newborn's reaction to having two children.

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