I'll finally get to say...

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You're back? Finally, that took a bit... You caught up now? I bet you have a few questions

Why did Samuel want to get rid of Alexis's entire existence? Because he was jealous that she was more successful than him and his best friend. He wanted to give that fame to Bonnet but he didn't realize he accidentally killed Bonnet until he summoned Bonnet on accident. After that, he wanted to forget everything ever happened, he wanted to erase any evidence of Samuel ever existing. Not Alexis

How long was Sam in love with Bonnet? Ever since he came out as bisexual which was during his junior year of high school. He didn't realize Bonnet liked him back until he went back to the house he burned after summoning Bonnet. He read through Bonnet's journal and realized his mistake

Who actually killed Sam? Sam cause his heart ached for Bonnet to tell Bonnet he loved Bonnet all along

How did Alexis die? Sam sent Alexis a box of chocolate a day before he arrived at the house. The chocolate had nuts inside and Alexis is deathly allergic to nuts so she died from the reaction

Was there actually something in the empty house? Yes but Sam got rid of all the stuff left over in there as soon as possible to get rid of any evidence of anyone being in there

How did you come up with all this based on just Storyteller and Gas Pedal? An unusual amount of modivation and dedication

What were all the sexualities? Mouse, poly (men, women, enbies). Mali, bi (males/enbies). Socrates and Alexis, straight as a feather :). Bonnet, questioning asexual/alloromantic. Samuel, bi af

Wat? idk i kinda made stuff up lol

If Sam worked at a hotel his entire life then why did Mali say he got a new job? He got a higher paying job at a different hotel

What's Sam's job? Receptionist and one of many janitors (cleaning the lobby when it's a slow day)

any other questions, I can and will put those on here and answer them to avoid repeating questions!!

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