14. hospitality and tutoring.

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(Jeremy played by Noah Centineo; Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy ft. Wiz Kalifa)

I feel like I've lost a lot of readers...

14. hospitality and tutoring.

"Shit..." he hissed eyes screwing shut as I held his face gently, dabbing some rubbing alcohol on his cuts. His hands gripped my thighs, my cheeks heating and lips parted to suck in a breath.

It'd been around fifteen minutes since he's gotten to my house and i'd managed to wipe the blood off of his mouth, the imprint of his lip ring still there.

Changing the subject, my mind decided to deter to his actual bruises instead of my sexual frustration as I sighed. Analyzing the cut on his eyebrow, I frowned, "did you fight with your lip ring in?" I asked, hand brushing the spot before starting on his eyebrow.

"Y-yeah," he stuttered out trying not to wince again at the sting, "it hurt like a bitch."

"I bet."

"Fuck, Em," he said, accidentally pushing me away when is pressed too hard in a spot. My back hit the mirror behind me, shoulder knocking against the glass as he tried to steady me, "are you okay?"

Giving a slight smile to comfort him and erase his worry, I rolled my shoulder, ignoring the slight flutter of my stomach when he'd used my nickname, "'M fine."

"Sorry," he said with a sheepish smile, me pushing his hair out of his eyes as I bandaged his cut. To finish up, I cleaned the area around his eye, the smile never leaving my face when his hands purposely settled on my thighs.

He was getting better with physical contact.


If I didn't think inviting the antisocial Remmer to my house was awkward, I was hugely mistaken. My God, it was awkward and between us sitting on separate sides of the couch and the heated argument of my parents that you could hear through the paper-thin walls, I don't know exactly what kept him there.

"Who the hell is Karen, Rod?"

Oliver's eyes had widened at that, looking over at me as he thought I hadn't seen. The television was turned onto some show that neither of us had been watching, the main focus being on the yelling that was happening a floor away.

"My boss!"

Karen was a nice lady who often used to leave cookies on her desk whenever kid me and kid Jackson used to come with Dad to work (before we became second priority). With her apple cheeks and wedding ring, there was no way we was a homewrecker. My mother was absolutely and utterly wrong.

"You and your boss have cute nicknames?"

Out the corner of my eye, I saw Oliver stretch and when he tapped me on the shoulder, that was enough to make me nearly jump out of my skin. His tattoo was on display, his hair flat, and his almost transparent eyes were staring into mine.

Honestly, it was a little too much. His plump lips pulled down into a frown lightly as he studied me, pulling his hand away as if he were afraid I'd freak out.

Oliver furrowed his eyebrows, narrowing his eyes, "Are you- are you scared of me?"

And that was when my head whipped to the side to see if he were serious. We'd gone from me patching him up to me being scared way too fast but from the blank look on his face, I could tell he really wanted an answer, "Why would I be scared?"

"I'm crazy," he said as if it were common knowledge and the way he shrugged at that made my heart hurt.

My heart literally hurt.

Psychopath. (bwwm) ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon