Chapter 12

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A few days later

The door to Cole's office was closed, but the shouts from inside echoed down the hall.

"I won't give you an explanation!" Cole's voice was loud, and he looked even angrier than usual.

Jackson, the boy standing before him, was his younger brother, Rebecca's twin. He also spoke angrily, but his radiance was somewhat different.

He was wearing light blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and sneakers—absolutely in contrast with Cole's stern look, who always wore dark clothes.

"You have no right to hide such a thing from us, Cole!"

"I told you when I decided it was time for you to know. That's it!"

"She's my sister too! I had a right to know what happened!"

"Am I interrupting something?" Vanessa's voice broke the quarrel between the two brothers. None of them had even noticed that she had entered the office.

The moment Jackson turned his head toward her, his expression changed dramatically. "I would interrupt everything for you," he told her with a flirting voice as he ran his hand through his tousled, dark blond hair.

If Vanessa's entry into the office had made Cole even more nervous, Jackson's words to her must have made matters worse.

But, as usual, he just crossed his arms instead of showing any emotions. His gaze was enough to show how angry he was.

"What do you want, Vanessa?"

"Your meeting has been waiting for you for fifteen minutes now, Cole. But don't worry. I'll take care of everything!"

Vanessa came out, and Cole couldn't even answer.

"Look, look," Jackson exclaimed with a laugh. "It has become fascinating here. Right on time, because do you know what? I'm coming back, brother. You won't keep me away anymore!"

Although Cole intended to go after Vanessa, Jackson's words stopped him. 

"To keep you away? You decided to move out on your own!"

"And why did I do it, Cole, huh? Because of all of this! Because of you! And your obsession with control. You're not Dad, Cole. When will you understand that?"

"Someone has to be! Someone has to take care of this family!" Although Cole successfully exercised control, especially over himself, in rare moments like this, he just lost it. "Who but me, Jackson, huh? You? Who only has parties, alcohol, and girls in your head? Or Rebecca? Who can't take care even of herself!"

"We have a mother. Did you forget that?"

"Don't you dare say that! After everything she went through, she doesn't deserve to bear this burden! Just when she finally recovers, I won't let her collapse again!"

"That is your problem, Cole! You confuse caring with control. You always did. If you don't tell her, I will."

"The conversation is over, Jackson! I have work, unlike you!"

Cole slammed the door to his office and went straight to Marissa. "Why didn't you call me when Vincent Smith arrived?"

Marissa began to explain in a timid voice. "You were in your office with your brother, and there were shouts... I was scared to interrupt you."

"Where the hell is Vanessa?"

"She... She is meeting Mr. Smith."

"Vacate your workspace by the end of the day, Marissa."

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