Chapter Eight

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Duke walked over and picked me up, spinning me around. "Nothing to be nervous about Jasmine I promise, it is all good news that I will explain but first let's get something to eat" he said as he sat me down.

"If you say so, but tonight I want you to tell me what is going on" I said looking up into his eyes. He looked down and smiled.

"Of course," he said, taking a hold of my hand and leading the way towards town.

Evan followed slightly behind us, quietly talking with Lilith.

In town the streets were lined with lanterns. It made everything a soft golden glow. I fell in love with the look, it reminded me of those old movies that were made for romance.

Holding hands with Duke walking down the main street, made me feel like we were a couple in those old movies.

Duke pointed out the small restaurant that we were going to eat at. There was a small area to dine in.

"Can we eat outside; it is so beautiful out here and with the lanterns it almost creates a magical glow" I said taking everything in.

"If you want to eat out here, then we will" he said as we walked in, the girl at the front desk showed up to our table once Duke told her we were to eat al fresco.

Duke held my chair out for me, as I sat down, he gently pushed it in. Duke sat next to me, as Evan strolled in a few minutes later.

Sitting across from me, he winked and picked up the menu. I had to laugh being around Evan was so easy, he made you feel at ease, and he was always joking around which in no time had me laughing.

If I would have had a brother, he was what I would have wanted in one. I thought of Evan as a brother in some aspects.

The waitress came to take our order, Duke ordered for me, which surprised me but at the same time I enjoyed it.

"I want you to taste some things that I love, and I think you just might enjoy them as well," he said.

I could tell he was a bit nervous ordering for me, I put my hand in his, "never had someone order for me before, and I actually enjoyed it" I said with a wink.

He instantly relaxed, the three of us sat there talking and laughing. Our food showed up and after the first bite I was hooked.

"This tastes amazing, what is it?" I asked, Duke looked like he did not want to share the secrets.

"It's oysters," Evan said laughing.

Duke, I think, looked shocked when I said I loved them. Even Evan looked surprised that once I found out what they were that I would still eat them.

I was not a huge fan of seafood, but these were cooked in butter and a tad bit of garlic. Somehow, they were good.

Soft music was playing inside, we could just hear it out where we were sitting. Duke stood up and held his hand out to me.

"Would you do me the honor of a dance?" he asked.

I put my hand in his, "would love to" I said standing up. We walked a little bit away from the table, and Duke pulled me into his arms.

As he wrapped them around me, I wrapped my arms around his body, laying my head against his chest. Not caring about the music, but I listened to his heartbeat instead.

Slow and rhythmic, feeling his body heat and his scent hit me, he smelt of the woods after it rained. It was perfect, he smelt of home, the earth mixed with the rain.

We were locked in a dance that transcended time, even when the music had stopped, we were in a bubble of our own with our own music playing for us.

Not noticing a crowd had gathered around, watching us dance, looking into each other's eyes. They were witnessing a prophecy that was told a thousand years ago.

Of a man who was half beast and half fae, a woman who was descended from the queen of all the lands and sea, who would one day rule all that were alive.

The two would unite as one and bring harmony to the lands once again. It was foretold over the years that a girl of unknown would walk into their lives.

She would have no knowledge of anything other than humans, once she was told of the unknown world that there were more than just humans walking this earth.

Her destiny would either unite the lands or destroy them as other suitors would come for her if she rejected her one true mate.

Duke looked down into Jasmine's eyes, "I want to kiss you right now" he whispered as his forehead was against hers.

"Then kiss me" she whispered back, and he did. He tilted her head back enough as he descended onto her lips. As they connected a shock wave went through the town and through the lands that surrounded the town.

Evan was on guard, as that just announced the only royalty left had been found, the last true queen was here by just a simple kiss.

I pulled back a bit "what was that?" I asked, looking around, seeing the townspeople smiling at us.

"It was nothing, every once in a while, a little tremor moves through the lands" he said as he kissed me once more.

It was gentle but held an urgency with it, one of longing for more. I responded with the same urgency, letting Duke know that I was wanting him as much as he was wanting me. 

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