24: The Woods

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Percy POV

"WAIT, THERE's ONLY ONE JEEP," Reyna roared in anger. Damn it, after all that, we're screwed. At least, some of us are screwed.

"Yeah, unfortunately. Also, we can't get back up because they have a radar jammer for about ten miles. No transmittable technologies are going out or coming in."

"Shit, then, let the people who need attention go through first. Percy, Jason, and Thalia, ya'll have to get in," Reyna ordered. She went to the passenger door where she quietly talked to Katie and Connor.

Leo, who was sitting nearest to the van's door, nodded firmly and started to get out.

Suddenly, gunshots exploded against the van and nearby trees. One gunshot nearly hit Leo, who fell out of the van while ducking.

Screams and shouts exploded from everyone. The seven of us who were outside of the van ran into the woods. I ducked under a bush, and we all hid.

Several jeeps drove into the clearing, and the guards were firing. Connor quickly closed the van door, and the engine roared to life. The tires skid in the mud for a few minutes as Elysium kept getting closer.

We watched as the van started to drive away. The van had the attention of Elysium, who was following. We stayed hidden as several Elysium jeeps chased after the Stolls' van.

"Guys, this is bad. I almost got my head blown off," Leo exclaimed.

"Well, I actually was shot," Jason whispered harshly.

"It's not a contest," Leo shot back.

I sighed as I gazed at Thalia. She was breathing very hard as she rubbed her very pregnant belly. All of this stress must've been very hard on her.

Silence followed after the storm that nearly killed. All of Elysium's personal were following the van, so we were in the clear for now. We couldn't get caught by Elysium again because they'd kill us.

The only option was to keep moving forward.

We had escaped Sector 3, but we were in the dam woods.

The atmosphere was bittersweet. We had escaped Elysium's grasp, but we didn't know where to go. We had been walking for a few minutes before the tense silence was interrupted.

"Guys, according to Connor, the government isn't sending reinforcements into Elysium territory because Elysium is threatening them with our lives (ie we're all considered hostages)," Reyna explained.

"But, we escaped, didn't we?" Piper asked in confusion. I sighed. I didn't want the answer to that question.

"We did, Piper. However, the government doesn't know that because of the satellite jammer. We can't signal them with any messages," Annabeth paused to catch her breath. Leo nodded in agreement since he knew technologies.

"Even if the others make it to the safe side, the government probably won't risk it. Elysium would still threaten them with the idea that they caught us (even if they didn't) and will kill us."

"So, what are you and Reyna suggesting?" Jason asked nervously. We stopped walking in the woods.

Reyna sighed but Annabeth continued confidently. "Logically speaking, the government and the others who hopefully escaped want to help, but they can't because as far as they know, we are still kidnapped by Elysium."

"We're on our own. We have to go East for ten miles (which is out of Elysium's jammer territory). That is the safe side where the government and your other friends will be waiting," Reyna finished.

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