Chapter 28: Upcoming Storm

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"I'm really sorry, Mi'lady. I should've stayed with you." 

Avy and the others went back to the mansion that same morning due to her insisting that she doesn't want to stay inside the Headquarters. Which her Grandfather didn't refuse thinking she was shocked by the events that unfolded before her the day prior. She was quickly sent back to the mansion accompanied by shadow followers or whatever they call them and not normal knights for it will only gather attention from the town folks. Much to the lady's annoyance.

She wasn't really scared or overwhelmed, it's just that, Gehenna has far too many knights lurking around the corners that she couldn't even breathe properly. She was being watched the moment she stepped out of the door. Fortunately, those hidden guards will only follow them to the mansion and leave them alone once they enter the gates. As they should, because she would definitely flip if they watch her inside her own house. 

Avy couldn't choose which one is way more annoying. Is it the fact that she's being guarded? Or being constantly apologized to stabbing her conscience nonstop?

"It's your eighth time saying that since we left the headquarters." she stared at her knight who couldn't look at her straight, he kept saying sorry and saying he should take the punishment for what he did. She was offended. She's petty, alright?

"I'm at fault." she blurted out, unfazed, which made the knight look at her for a moment before shaking his head furiously.

"Don't blame yourself, My Lady! It is my duty to protect you at all cost-"

"But it is my fault though."

"Don't say such things. I am the one to blame-"

"No me."

"My Lady-"

"I said it's my fault."


"Then stop apologizing or I will really jump off the balcony."

It was just then Clerivan closed his mouth shut. Avy just silently sat still as her maid changed the bandages around her neck. 

"I didn't see the Duke this morning. He also didn't come back with us." she said, wondering where the Duke went after the commotion that she caused. 

"His grace went back to the Imperial palace to report to His Majesty, Miss. He left last night." Mariel answered. 

"He didn't even come to check on his daughter if she even woke up in good condition." she exhaled. 'I pity you, Avy'  She wasn't really expecting anything from the Duke. After all, he did nothing in the novel when Avy was fighting a losing battle against the main characters. Of course, it was understandable considering she was fighting for the bad side in the first place, but shouldn't he at least lend her a hand? Avy died because of her greed, she died on her own, but it was still sad that her family wasn't there and didn't even bother to show their faces during her last minutes. 

The two servants watched her with distress in their eyes. They couldn't tell her that the Duke visited her that night before he left. At least, they're not in the position to tell. His grace even went to the lengths of concealing his presence so that no one would know except for the people watching Avy's room, that he stayed with her for a long time. He didn't want to give away the fact that Avy can be a weakness of his. It is a risk that he wouldn't and couldn't take. 

"Are you done?" she asked Mariel noticing that she stopped moving for a moment.

"A-ah yes. It's finished Mi'lady." Mariel stammered, standing up from her position. Avy's statement really killed the mood without her even knowing. 

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