20. Paul

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Many things happened but the first was a betrayal. It was not Paul but Alessandro who gripped her wrist in a trained way and forced her to drop the only mean of defense she had. He quickly snatched the knife from the ground and pulled her close to himself to keep her from making any sudden movements.

He didn't have to do any more than that. When the initial shock and panic have passed Sofia could see clearly that her actions made no logical sense. There were three police officers with the guns pointed directly at Paul.

The police officer standing closest to him forcibly held him seated on the chair.

"You will fucking regret this!" Paul yelled, his fury was directed at her.

"Take him out of here" Alessandro ordered quietly but clearly. He was feeling a lot of anger right now and someone would pay. But he was patient. He could wait.

"Yes sir" one of the officers responded. For Sofia, it was shocking to see how Alessandro was treated. It was like the police were afraid to do something wrong around him. Something clearly wasn't right but she was still trying to process what is happening right now.

"Sofia? Can you talk?" Alessandro asked.

Sofia now realized how heavy her breathing was. She realized that Alessandro was hugging her tightly. It was actually the only reason why she could stand. He was keeping her in place.

"Y-yes," she said. "I'm fine. C-check the video" she requested, and she saw Alessandro's lips forming into a thin line. Maybe she should've trusted him more and tell about the video before they came to the police station. She just wasn't sure what he would do. She hoped he would forgive her for the lack of trust.

The video was watched together by the Italian police officers and Mrs. Morris.  Everyone was shocked.

"Sofia, we need you to tell us from the beginning how did you get in possession of this video?" Mrs. Morris asked.

Sofia told the whole story but it of course created a follow - up questions.

"Here's the one thing I don't understand. If Elio was murdered for being a witness why Paul didn't get rid of the video?"  Alessandro asked.

"Deleting it from the phone doesn't mean it's gone. Carl, Elio's older brother, was studying IT he might have found a way to get to the video maybe it was automatically saved somewhere... I don't know"

"How did you learn about his disappearance?" Alessandro continued his questioning.

"He left a letter to me at his parents' house" Sofia explained.

"Let's summarize then. There's hard evidence for a crime, one witness who made the video is dead, the second who obtained it is missing. The third is my sister. I trust she will be properly protected from people who are responsible for those crimes including the one that is in the room next door and just openly threatened her what I assume happened not for the first time" Alessandro said.

"Actually there's another thing" Sofia added quietly.

"What is it?" Everyone focused on her again.

"My best friend from school, Nadia Johnson. She helped me escape and now she's reported missing too"

This is when Francesco decided it's a good moment to enter the room with DNA results.

"Not now, Francesco" Alessandro said in a grave voice.

"What happened?"

No one was quick enough to answer because Mrs. Morris started speaking to Sofia in what she probably believed was a nice calming voice. "I promise you, Sofia, we will do everything in our power to find your friend. Thank you for your trust. But I need to ask why you waited so long with revealing this information. You were in possession of relevant evidence that could-"

"Are you accusing my sister of withholding the evidence, Mrs. Morris?" Alessandro interrupted the woman and his voice was so terrifying Sofia almost took a step back.

"No, of course not" she started defensively. But if we were informed earlier-"

"My sister is 17 and she's been forced to live under the same roof as her mother's murder. You have multiple dead bodies and disappearances at the same place in a close time and you couldn't connect the dots. It's either incompetence or unwillingness whatever it is, it deserves internal investigation, not the investigation of my sister who is a victim of your incompetence"

"Of course. I understand that Mr. Ianniello. Sofia, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make it sound as if I'm blaming you. I promise I will do whatever I can to find your friend"

"Friends. Nadia and Carl are missing. You need to find them both. And I didn't tell earlier because Carl informed me in his letter to not say a thing to anyone unless I'm in a safe place. That's why I ran away so I could find a place like that and tell you"

"Do you have this letter?"

Sofia nodded and handed the piece of paper to the woman.

"Thank you. We will-"

"-do whatever you can, we heard that already," Francesco said in a cold, irritated voice. "In the meantime, we need emergency court ruling that will allow our traumatized sister to stay at our house"

"Of course. I will make it happen" Amanda said in a determined voice.

"There's a problem," said Giannini "Bowen changed his mind and he doesn't want to sign the papers transferring custody rights"

"Let me speak to him in private" Alessandro requested. But it wasn't really a request. More like an order.

"That would be against the protocol," Mrs. Morris said because she still didn't catch up with the idea that you don't just say no to Alessandro.

Giannini nodded and said "Naturally, please follow me"

Amanda blinked twice at this bizarre behavior but didn't say anything.

Alessandro was in the room for approximately ten minutes, maybe less and he came out of them with signed papers. The only sign that something happened that was in his external appearance was rolled up sleeves.

"Francesco will be taking my sister home now. Mrs. Morris If you have any additional questions to her you may contact her through our lawyers from now on"

"Let's go home," Francesco said gently as he lead Sofia towards the door.

"Alessandro is not coming with us?" Sofia asked confused.

"I have some things here to finish here"

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