Part 15

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After Lauren and Alexa made up, the two switched to Camila's lunch table permanently. Though it was a bit awkward at first, everyone learned to love Alexa. Sometimes, she can be a bit obnoxious and pretentious but she's also really funny. Everyone loves her wild party stories.

Slowly, but surely, Alexa has gotten more comfortable around Camila. Originally, Lauren warned her that Alexa may say some offensive things, but she surprisingly hasn't so far. She's been amazingly pleasant to be around.

It's been almost two months since Camila and Lauren were outted, and things have been settling nicely. Most people stopped caring, however, Lauren's parents still give her a hard time. The three of them seemed to stop talking in general. But from what Camila could tell, it didn't seem to upset Lauren too much. She seems to prefer having her best friend in her life over her parents.

Everything is falling into place for Camila and Lauren. In a few weeks, they're going to be the first out lesbian couple to go to prom at their school. It was a major milestone for the school and any future queer girls who attend. They both got matching dresses and corsages and are excited to end their senior year on such a high note.

Camila looked over at Lauren. They were in the library and she was doing her homework. She looked so peaceful and calm. Camila has never loved anyone more than she loves Lauren, and she's so happy they're together, but she doesn't know how long they'll last. But today she'll find out. It was May 1st.

Camila decided to break the silence with her big news, "I committed to the University of Chicago," Neither of them shared which college they were going to because they didn't want to influence the other into going to a college they didn't want to attend. But today was the last day to commit, so it was finally time to share.

Lauren looked up, surprised. She had tears in her eyes, "Me too."

"Baby, are we really going to college together?"

Lauren smiled and nodded, "We really are!" She went to hug Camila before breaking apart to kiss her on the lips. Everything was finally perfect.

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