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Chapter 4~

I was freaking out. Asher motioned for me to go to him so I slowly crept over to him and hid behind him. Another loud gun shot was taken. I screamed and out of shock and fear I ran into a small room near the kitchen. I stayed as quiet as possible. I suddenly heard a low male voice "Where is the girl!?!" I some how recognised the voice but I couldn't put together who it was. Carlo replied "You're not having her until you give me the money!" I heard another pair of footsteps come through the front door. "Here. There's the money now give me the girl" The man bellowed. "Ok." Carlo replied. I heard footsteps come towards the room I was in. I stepped backwards as the door opened. Carlo grabbed my wrist and dragged me over towards everyone. Once he let go of my wrists I looked at the man who I heard from the room.

It was my father.

"Dad?" I questioned. I was angry. *When I was 5 years old my dad left me and my mom to go and sort out some things in Italy. I never knew what he went to do in Italy because my mother never spoke about it. My father left me and my mother without money. My father never bothered to contact me. He hurt me.*

"Hello Brooke" he said. He always called me 'Brooke' when I was little. "Why are you here?" I asked crossing my arms. "To get you." He responded. "NO. Don't fucking think it's appropriate to come here and finally want me! You and mom both abandoned me. Your cruel!" I screamed tears fell down my cheeks. "Please...Carlo don't let him take me." I pleaded. Carlo picked up the briefcase that contained money. He shrugged. I looked at Luke and Asher, they both looked down to the floor. "Well, thank you boys for getting me my daughter back to me. That case contains 5 million just like you asked." My father said. He turned to me. "What do you mean 'thank you for getting my daughter'?" I was confused. "They're the 'Ripper Trio' the most feared Mafia gang across the USA and Italy" my father replied. My head turned to all three of them. "I offered them millions if they kidnapped you and brung you to me. When I take you to Italy and retire from being the Mafia leader of Italy, you will take my place and become the Queen Mafia leader." He grinned. "What...Me, being in the Mafia? Let alone leading one?!" I was baffled.

My father's men came towards me and grabbed me. I struggled to get out of their grip but they were too strong. My eyes watered as I looked at Carlo, Luke and Asher. As the men and me got to the door, they suddenly pulled me to the floor. I looked around confused. I looked at the men and noticed blood pouring from their heads. I shrieked and jumped up from them. I turned my head to see Carlo holding a gun. He saved me. My father narrowed his eyes at Carlo and then slowly lifted a gun from his pants. He aimed it at Carlo. He was going to kill him. I was so vexed by my father's actions that I leaned down to the men on the ground and took one of their pistols. Neither Carlo or my father clocked that I was pointing a gun at my father until the sound of me cocking the gun triggered them to look in my direction. My father froze. "Sweet heart, you know you wouldn't shoot your own father" he provoked. "Oh, but I will" I said. He charged towards me. I pulled the the trigger....

I watched his body slam back onto the hard floor.

I was shocked. I just murdered my own father. Luke and Asher ran over to the body and pulled it outside. Carlo crept over to me. He took the gun from my shaky hands. "Well done piccolo, that was very brave of you." He stated. "I can't believe you were gonna let me go with him, even when you saw me crying" I sobbed. He sighed.
I shoved past him and went upstairs. "Brooklyn...I wouldn't let him take you it was apart of my plan I- ." He yelled. I cut him off  "NO DONT TALK TO ME. Just leave me alone." I felt foot steps behind me and turned to see Carlo. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE" I snapped. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me to his bedroom. "Stop your hurting me!" I yelped. He carried on dragging me. Once inside his room he slammed the door shut and pushed me against the wall. "Be careful how you talk to me, princess.." he held one hand on my jaw and another on the wall, preventing me from getting away. I decided I'd make him mad after he just hurt me. "Or what?" I provoked him. He growled. I held my head up showing I wasn't intimidated. Deep down I was.

He grabbed my arms and pushed me on the bed. He held a hand up to slap me but didn't when I shielded from him. His facial expressions turned soft and he quickly let me go. He then turned back to being his cold hearted self and simply walked out. I wiped my tears and went into Asher's bedroom. He was laying on his bed smoking when I entered. "h-hey can I stay in here with you tonight?" I stuttered. "Of course, come here" he replied softly. I shuffled over to him and he put a arm around me when I laid next to him. "I need some clothes" I said quietly. He slowly went over to his wardrobe and gave me a over sized top and shorts.

*time skip*I snuggled next to Asher in bed, after me him and Luke ate dinner

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*time skip*
I snuggled next to Asher in bed, after me him and Luke ate dinner. I hadn't seen Carlo around, I was glad. Soon me and Asher fell asleep snoring. Loudly.

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