13| Indecent proposal

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I'm on the phone all morning with my client, closing the deal. The second my call is over, I look across the office to Milo, where he's chatting away on the phone to a client, but his eyes don't move from mine.

I swiftly avert my gaze. There's this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach, like everything is about to implode. And even though I hate to admit it, even though I'd love to convince myself this awful mood is down to the fact I'm spending Christmas alone, I know deep down, it's because of Milo.

As pathetic as it sounds, I was up half the night replaying the moment he whispered Anna's name. And knowing that it was his subconscious talking and not him makes it worse; it means while he's on my mind, she's on his.

"You must be so relieved," Jess says.

Jumping slightly, I drag my eyes from Milo to fix them on her. She's watching me expectantly, eyebrow raised like maybe I should be happier about closing the deal.

"I am," I assure her, but I'm not the only one who succeeded. I'd heard through the grapevine that Patricia closed her deal last night. That means with Milo too, the three of us are still in the running. I have yet to hear anything about Harry but he's not in today, which is unusual. I get out my phone and send him a message to make sure he's okay. "Have you heard anything about Harry?"

"Yeah," Jess whispers, looking up. "He closed the deal, and then he quit."

"What?" Resigning is practically unheard of. Not really, but getting to six and resigning is. It takes so much work and sacrifice to make it this far that I can't help but wonder what he was thinking.

"I heard Patricia speaking about it in the elevator this morning," Jess says. "She said he'd seemed unhappy for a while with how things were. I guess he finally had enough."

Brave. That's the first word that comes to my mind, and I can't help feel guilty for it. "Well, I guess all there is left to do is wait."

"You'll get it," Jess says, waving her hand, "there's no way you won't. Are you coming out tonight? We're having one last hurrah before everyone goes home for the holidays."

My chest heaves. With Christmas drawing closer, it's just another reminder that I'm going to be holed up in my apartment with Mulan, dwelling on my loneliness. Lucas, meanwhile, will be cozied up with his new fiance, having the picture-perfect Christmas we were supposed to have.

"Yeah," I say, determined, "I am."

For the rest of the afternoon, I get back to my other properties and clients, all the while peeking at Milo through brief, sideways glances. If I were as mature as I claim to be, I'd have asked him by now if something is going on with his ex, but I'm not sure I want to hear the truth. Things are already complicated enough, and having barely mended my heart since the last break, I'm not sure I can afford another.

I spend the next fifteen minutes ignoring all things Milo, but when I can no longer avoid the call of the coffee machine, I hurry toward it, praying he won't get up join me. But of course, he does, and the second my finger presses the button, he's standing behind me, leaning in slightly so that his mouth is just above my ear.

"I suppose a congratulations are in order."

"Back at you," I say. "I'm surprised Laurelle hasn't–"

Right on cue, one of Laurelle's minions steps out of the elevator and quickly scans the office. She turns to Patricia. Beckons her over. I hold my breath as her eyes fall on Milo and I huddled by the coffee machine. With a wiggle of her finger, she beckons us over too.

"Looks like we've been summoned," Milo mutters.

Swallowing hard, I ditch my coffee cup – the coffee on seven is a thousand times better – and the three of us stride toward the elevator.

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