Chapter 34

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Xander pov

It was just a day remaining in Sophie's term as the town head. The town people were more than eager to elect her as a town head again. Who wouldn't want a girl so kind, innocent, brave and strong to be their representative. Everyone except.


I wanted to take her with me. I was more than willing to support her if she still wanted to stay but I don't think I will be able to live without her. Flying every day from New York to Santa Fe will be a bit tedious so I decided to set my office in Santa Fe. I could work with that. After the incident in other town she stopped ignoring me and we have been acting like a normal couple ofcourse without physical intimacy and a confession of love.

And today I had decided to address the real reason for our divorce.

That Belly, Shelly whatever her name was.

"Sophie, we need to talk."

No matter how dramatic the effect of the words 'we need to talk' was I had to make things clear.

"Yes, I am listening."

Was she? She was busy munching the choco chip cookies without even offering it to me. And the dramatic effect of my words didn't even seem to bother her.

"Sophie, this is about our divorce."

Atleast this seemed to catch her attention and keeping the cookies aside she sat straight.

"The reason for the divorce."

And then I recited the entire story. From my suspicion of her coming late, accidental visit to the hospital to the photographs sent by that bitch who wanted to seperate us.
She listened to my version of story and after everything just said one thing.

"It wasn't Shelly's fault, Xander. When both of us are in our relationship we can't blame a third person for our breakup. It just means our realtionship wasn't strong enough. I don't blame you for your suspicion. You were right. Maybe if I was at your place I would have felt the same. But instead of outrightly demanding divorce I would have trusted you. Given you the benifit of doubt. We were together for twelve years Xander. Did you not know me enough to call me a slut, whore and a gold digger?"

After that I didn't know what to say. In the quest to hurt her I had said things without thinking of the consequences which had caused permanent damage. No matter what I do, I could never take my words back.

The words consisting of a few letters had the strength to break someone. How could I even say that to her? I was her first in everything. She was with me when I had nothing. Even when I was broke she payed our apartment's rent. She made sure to cheer me up whenever I felt down. Never did she demand anything from me. Never wanted me for my money. Never loved me for my money. She saw things in me which nobody ever could. Looked for my love behind my anger, my pain behind my rage and always found happiness in simplest of things. All she ever wanted was my love and trust.

We were sitting in a small chinese restaurant having dinner. The dinner was on Sophie. I was still struggling starting my business. But money never seemed to bother us. She always said that it is ours. And she was confident that very soon I will be a billionaire and she will let me treat her then.

I was saving to buy her a ring. I wanted to propose her. Maybe not marry right away because I wanted to earn enough first. So that I can proudly go and ask her parents for her hand in marriage.

Maybe Sophie saw me beyond the materialistic needs but her parents surely wouldn't marry her off to a person who couldn't even pay his apartment rent let alone take care of her wife.

Sophie never demanded for anything. She was just the most simple and sweet person who was ready to help anyone at any time.

When she went to the washroom I was browsing through the rings. I found her the perfect ring when she came from behind and snatched my phone.

But the next thing she said made me love her even more.

"I know you love me, baby. But trust me you don't have to buy me a ring. You are going to do so great. You can buy me a whole store later. For now just remember I am yours and you are mine. But if you still want to propose me."

She took out the foil from our order, wrapped it and made a ring and handed it to me.

"I will be more than happy to accept this Xander. I don't need a ring to know how much you love me. The way you take care of me when I am sick, always tolerate my tantrums and mood swings, go to any extent just to make me smile, the love I see in your eyes, the worry when I am sick, the pain when I cry, trust me baby it is more than I can ever ask for."

She was right. It was our relationship. It was our world, our love. It was my mistake to let a third person enter in our bubble. She trusted me with all her heart. She loved me with all her heart. I did not deserve her love.

Her heart was broken more than mine. She was hurting more than me. She loved me more selflessly than I did. I had broken her trust in me. I had broken her.

And now I knew.

Maybe she still loves me. Maybe she still cares for me. Maybe she still trusts me. Maybe she will forgive me.

But she will never come back to me.

Try finding happiness beyond this materialistic world. It lasts longer. You may get bored of the riches but you can never get bored of heart-to-heart conversation. Being with someone whom you love is better than being with a person with all the luxury but no one to share it with. Loneliness is more frightening than poverty.

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