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🌺Behind Her Mask🌺

"Why did you not answer your phone yesterday?!" my boss inquire furiously the first thing he did after entering his office.

Continuing my work, I glance at him a little then look back at my computer.

"Because it's past 7pm already when you called sir. And it way beyond my work time", I said as I press the key ctrl+ p then enter.

"As an employee..."

"As an employee, whether its midnight as long as the employer says then the employee must comply..." I continue his sentence. "and if the employee cannot carry out her/his duty s/he is oblige to step out of her/his given position", I smiled happily at his dumbfounded look.

I hand him the printed paper and bow slightly. "Here is my resignation letter sir as you needed"

His eyes filled with confusion with his focus keep on changing from me to the letter and back forth. "What is this?"

"As per rule sir, if I mix my job with feelings. I am forced to resign"

From confusion his eyes widened as he stared at me in disbelief.

"I like you, sir", I smiled while caressing his cheek and stole a kiss on his lips.

His already dumbfounded face stilled in a moment as he stare into space.

Umm? Did I over did it?

I pick my bag and the box, filled with my things, I sigh.

This is quiet so early to quit this job but I need to. Someone inform this body's location, I guess I know who is that person is, and this early morning a letter came to me saying to come home because of an emergency regarding to her father's health.

As Barbara, I need to response as soon as possible or I'm going to street for the rest of my life like Barbara did in the story.

I glance again at my ex-boss who still dumbfounded. Hmm. Does my kiss is a little traumatic for him? I shrugged and went to the elevator, as the door start to close I saw him walking towards the elevator in a hurry but the door went close.

I went to Jake's office and said a small goodbye before I leave the company. As I sat inside the car waiting for me, my eyes wonder one last time at the company. This is a goodbye, when I meet him again I'm no longer Barbara Hanson.

"Let's go", I said to the driver. I you're wondering if I was still wearing my costume, yes. And this driver of mine knew who I am, since he is the butler of Barbara since she was a kid.

"You're still clever as ever Little Miss Donatello",

"Don't call me with that name Mr. Berger", I pouted.

I hate her name but who am I to judge, it was her father who give her that name in thinking that his child is a boy and not a girl. He named her after all in his wife's favorite artist.


The good old butler smiled, continuing to drive. "Little Miss Dawn"



My dream farm... Living peacefully... when that time would come?

Plotline's Ms. Gate Crasherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें