Mind your business

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Elanoras POV:
I'm currently walking to lunch with Lucas.Im currently trying to tell him about me and Epifiano.

"Wait wait so your with Epifiano again"he says trying to figure out what I just said.

"Yes I'm seeing Epifiano"I say smiling softly to him

"Okay well as long as your happy I'm happy but if he ever hurts you Elanora I'm gonna skin him alive I'm serious"he whispers softly to me,I shake my head at his disturbing comment.We walk in through the cafeteria hoping no one would stare but to my luck everyone's just staring.I walk with Lucas to a table in the corner.I grab my lunch that one of the maids did for me.I start eating the variety of fruit I have today.Ahh I love melon and watermelon.My favs,I continue eating laughing with Lucas.

"Where are my brothers"I ask Lucas

"I don't know dont ask me how am I supposed to know"he says shoving Doritos down his throat.

"Lucas close your mouth that's not ladylike"I say chucking at myself.I really thought it was funny but I guess not because Lucas just glares at me.

"No you mean I'm manly handsome"he says smirking.I grin ear to ear as we see the twins and Esteban coming our way.

"Hi principessa"Esteban says kissing my forehead softly and sitting beside me.

"Hi princess how was class"Romano asks eating an apple.

"Good boring tho"I say frowning as I remember Mrs.Carsons words "here's the package for your homework".What an ass I was just hoping to spend time with Epifiano plus I need to tell my siblings and papa.I just know there not gonna take it well.The door opens loudly making everyone's attention go to the door or more specifically two Fuming girls.I see Mariana and Katya sprint towards me,Ohh shit they probably know I blew off Lorenzo now there pissed.

"Ohh shit fuck"I whisper softly to Lucas who only looks confused but then he seems to piece it together when his mouth shapes "o".They stand there pissed there fists clenched.Omg what the hell .

"What the hell Elanora"Marina says ,disappointment and anger held towards me.I see the whole cafeteria go silent as I'm about to be humiliated by people who don't even know me.But I also understand them but that doesn't mean humiliate me in front of the whole school.My brothers look confused.Marcos has his eyebrows raised trying to figure out what's happening .

Romano is eating his apple trying to mind his business but I see curiosity dancing in his eyes.Esteban is sitting there gazing at Katya and Marina confused.He has one eyebrow raised impressive,now is not the time to be impressed by eyebrows.Lucas tho has very nice eyebrows.Lucas just sits there eating like nothing's about to go down. Why am I always in situations like these.

"Why would you do that I thought you were different"Katya says disappointedly.I stand up staying in my spot.Im gonna let them insult me I don't care I deserve this.I played her brother not really but that's not how she sees it .Its just now everyone will stare at me differently.

"I really thought you were different Elanora but I see your just like everyone here a FUCKING SLUT"Katya says with disgust and anger strained in her voice.I stand there wide eyed how can you say that to someone you don't even know.I see Lucas stand up slightly I pull him back down shaking my head no.My brothers eyes are strained with anger now.

"Why would you do that to my brother he's innocent and you gave him hope when you were already with someone your such a slut Elanora I guess Mia was right your a slut"Marina says disgustingly to me .The doors open again showcasing Lorenzo,Adam,Adrian,and Martin.I stand there emotionless taking in all there insults ,although it hurts being called these things I think I deserve this.But why does it feel that it's wrong for them to insult me.

"Eres una puta zorra"(your a whore bitch),she mutters out .I feel all my brothers anger turn to rage.Lucas on the other hand if looks could kill.

"EVERYONE LISTEN UP GUESS WHOS THE NEW WHORE OF THE SCHOOL ELANORA RUSSO"Katya yells looking around the whole cafeteria.I see Lorenzo grab Marinas upper arm but she shrugs him off quickly.Adrian ,Adam,and Martin look clueless on what to do.I see Lucas stand up ,he looks at Lorenzo pissed.His whole posture tense.I grab his shoulder pulling him down he turns around to look at me.I whisper softly "it's fine".I see Esteban stand up furiously his jaw clenching making it razor sharp.

"Lorenzo calm your sister down before we have a problem"he says glaring daggers at him.

"No wonder your mother never liked you your just like her A FUCKING LITTLE SLUT"Marina says smirking,making my anger turn to rage in a matter of seconds.How the fuck does she know that.No one knows that only my family does and a few very close friends.What the fuck .She does not have the right to compare me to my mother or does she have the right to insult my mother.I quickly in a matter of seconds am in front of her.She can insult me all she wants but it is not her call to insult my mother.

"What the fuck did you just say"I say glaring daggers at her.She stands there trying to be brave but I can see the fear in her eyes.

"You heard me your mom is what Ohh yeah a fucking slut or would you prefer whore"she says smirking widely at me.I clench my fists hard drawing out blood from how hard my fingernails are digging into my skin.

"Lorenzo I suggest you keep your sister in check before I beat her ass right now and we need to talk"I say glancing at Lorenzo who looks guilty as fuck.I turn around clenching my jaw tightly that it slightly hurts.I stop midway when she mutters something out.

"Who's next Elanora Lucas"she says clearly trying to get under my skin and she succeeds because next thing I know my fists connects with her jaw hitting her lip.I quickly grab her jaw tightly making her look directly into my eyes.I whisper softly yet sternly to her.

"Never ever try that agin Marina don't ever disrespect my family because next time I will make sure you won't just have a busted lip"

"And never get in my business either because what me and Lorenzo had was none of  your business in the first place"I say letting her jaw go softly.I turn to look at Katya who looks terrified.

"Same goes for you Katya and don't act like you know me because I sure as hell don't remember you going through my shoes so mind your god dam business"I say turning around quickly and grabbing my bag .I quickly walk away slamming the doors open and shutting them down the same way.I exit the cafeteria if feels like I'm finally able to breathe fresh air.

I hear the door open again.I turn around and see Marcos,Romano,and Esteban looking at me concerned.I see Lucas hasn't came out Ohh you've got to be kidding me now.

"What's Lucas doing"I say walking back to the cafeteria.I see my brothers eyes widen in realization.Gosh there so slow sometimes.We sprint back to the cafeteria and see Lucas grabbing Lorenzo by the collar screaming words I can't comprehend.I quickly run to grab Lucas but I suddenly make eye contact with him .He looks away and punches Lorenzo in the nose hard making me roll my eyes internally.

"You've got to be kidding me"I say sprinting to Lucas who is continually punching Lorenzo in the face.But I also see Lorenzo throw in some punches but Lucas seems to be winning.I mean I knew Lucas is better.Lorenzo looks more like business friendly and more like a weapon kind of guy. I grab Lucas by the arm pulling him back but when I do I see Lorenzos hand midway through the air.I see his knuckles connect to my jaw making my face turn from the impact.I stand there wide eyed ,I feel the taste of metal hit my taste buds.I quickly bring my hand to my lip feeling liquid drip down my mouth.I see the crimson red color of my blood.I see my brothers face turn red from anger.I see Marcos pin down Lorenzo on the table glaring daggers at him.

"Marcos let's go"I say angrily trying my best to get the fuck out of this hell hole.The doors open showcasing an angry principle.

"EVERYBODY TO MY OFFICE NOW"Principal Paul says angrily to all of us.

Enjoy 😊
Thanks for reading 📖
Also changed my cover

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