Hey. (A/N)

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Yeah, that's totally me going all fancy here

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Yeah, that's totally me going all fancy here. This banner here was fun to make, though I had a hard time choosing the right font.

So — it's over! You're free from those (sometimes annoying and extremely recurrent) cliffhangers.  The answer is in your hands. I don't know if you guessed it or you didn't (if you guessed it, congratulations!) but whatever the case, I hope you enjoyed this!

This book's really, really special to me, because, for the most part, I'm very happy with it. Of course, it's not perfect in places more than one, but your comments and your support help me better it each time. Thank you, if you're reading this. Thank you if you've stuck with me till the very end. Thank you very, very much!

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Diego, Alison, Hunter, Matt and Emilie as much as I enjoyed writing them. Oh, and by the way, who's your favorite? What's your favorite scene? What'd you like most? Who didn't you like? I'd love to know! 

Now that we're at the end, I've got to plan what to write next — so here it is! Get Out If You Can will have a brand-new SEQUEL. Not a direct sequel to the plot. It's a whole bunch of new characters, a new murder, and, of course, more of Callenfield's deadly secrets. I can't say when it'll be out, but when I can, I'll let you know! (P.S. If you've really payed attention, or you have a phenomenal memory, you'll recognize the title of this new book when it's out! It's hidden in a tiny detail in a flashback chapter ;).

Okay, that's it for now! Do tell me what you thought of the book. I'm so glad you gave it your time.

Lots of love,


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