Epilogue - A Little Surprise

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Layla's POV


Nine Years Later


"Wake up."


"Reece, you have to, baby."

"I don't. Sleep please."

"Baby, we have work in an hour and we both need to shower."

He doesn't respond for a moment before he slowly moves his head back from where he's had his face pressed into his pillow. He looks at me with hooded eyes and a lazy smile, shoulder muscles moving under his tattooed skin as he lifts himself up slightly. "Together?"

I flop back onto my pillow with a little breathless laugh, shaking my head. "You are unbelievable, Reece Carter."

His smiling face suddenly blocks my view of the ceiling as he rolls over, resting his forearms on either side of my head to hold himself above me. Leaning down, he captures my lips in a deliciously slow and leisurely kiss. When he pulls away, he murmurs with a grin, "Why, thank you, Layla Carter."

A slow grin forms on my own face at his words. We've been married for two years now, but it still feels surreal to think that I'm finally a Carter.

Our wedding day was one of the happiest days of my life. My favourite moment was just after we had walked back down the aisle and we went into a little room. There was a brief moment where Reece and I got to have a little time to ourselves just after the ceremony. I remember him pulling me into the room and backing me against the door, staring down at me with so much love in his eyes I could have cried.

~ Two Years Ago ~

The second I step over the threshold, Reece spins me around, stepping into the little waiting room and slamming the door closed. My eyes are wide as he presses me up against the door, the satin of my white dress pressing against the ironed fabric of his suit. His eyes sparkle as he stares down at me.

"We did it." He whispers despite the fact that we're alone in this room. When planning our wedding, we knew we wanted to have a moment of alone time before the hectic reception – even if it were just ten minutes. I couldn't be gladder that we did this because I couldn't have waited until tonight to finally get my hands on him.

I slide my hands up his chest to place my hands at the back of his neck. "We did. We're married."

"Holy shít," Reece laughs, tilting his head back, "You're my wife!"

I laugh along with him, unbelievably happy in this moment. "And you're my husband, baby."

He grins down at me, leaning forward to nuzzle his nose against mine. "You're officially Mrs. Carter now."

My eyes widen along with my grin, "Holy shít, I'm a Carter!"

He laughs, "Welcome to the club, Sunshine. I've been waiting a long time for this one."

I grin, looping my arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. His lips press against mine firmly and I can feel him fighting his smile. I'm doing the same, and eventually we have to break apart when our smiles get too big.

"You remember our first date, when I asked you to be my girlfriend?" He asks suddenly.

I furrow my eyebrows, "That's going back a while, but of course. Why?"

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