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Tenoa POV

When we got to school, me and Tenaya went our separate ways. She found her group of friends from basketball and I made my way through the parking lot in quick steps.

I kept my head low, my books hugged closed to my chest as I as I made my way through the hallways. I didn't really have anyone, aside from Tenaya and some cousins, but our schedules didn't really allow for that. I was on my own for these 8 hours and day.

While I was at my locker getting my books for History, I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. For some reason I felt like someone was watching me. I doubted it though; people here didn't really talk to me.

It's wasn't because I was gay (well not completely), but I was just a shy little ball of nerves. In Tenaya's words, I was too "innocent" and "nerdy" for anyone to wanna talk to me, not that I minded much. I liked being alone so I could read in peace.

I was pulled from my thoughts by the ringing of the first bell, signaling that I needed to head to class if I didn't wanna be late.

After I reached Mr. Finster's class, I immediately went to the back to my usually seat in the far back on the right. We were allowed to sit where ever in here, so I liked to get here earlier so no-one would take my spot.

As the classroom began to fill, I put my backpack on the desk and began to pull out my stuff for class. Once again, I was met with that weird feeling from before in the hallway.

I felt as if someone was standing behind me so I slowly turned to meet a dark green shirt clad chest. I titled my head back to look at the person properly. God were they tall; I felt like I would fall back on my head trying to look at them.

He had bright red hair and was built. He looked like one of the super hero's from my comics. It wasn't hard for me to put two and two together to known that he was one of the exchange students they told us about. That didn't explain why he was standing in front of me though.

"U- um...c- c- can I h- hel- help y- you with s- some- th- thing?", I asked him, since he still hadn't said anything to me. Maybe he was mute or deaf? Did he speak English?

Either way I didn't like how he stared at me. His eyes made me uncomfortable; it felt like his was looking into the very depts of my soul.

It wasn't long before I buckled under the crippling pressure of his stare. I collected my things and just moved to the seat beside that one. It wasn't that important to me, so he could have it if he wanted it; as long as he stopped staring at me like that.

He just smirked at my actions, but sat down in the desk beside me. Great so he was one of the 'pick on someone not your own size' type of guys.

I groaned to myself as Mr. Finster walked in the classroom, shutting the door. "Goodmorning everyone", he said earning a few muttered goodmornings in turn. He was a super laid back teacher considering he taught the hardest class. All we did was take notes on powerpoints and quizzes nonstop.

"Today we'll take things easy for the new students we have", he announced, gesturing to the back where I was seated, making everyone glance back. I kept my head low, as they all stared at the new kid.

He didn't speak or introduce himself, so everyone just turned back to Mr. Finster who just stood there waiting for him to say something. I just met the guy and knew he wasn't gonna say anything.

"Well okay then", he clapped his hands together after a long awkward pause,"anyway today will be watching Oliver Twist and I would like for you to take notes on the cultural elements in the film. This will count as a daily assignment and participation grade, so get it done."

To be honest, I was grateful for the easy grade.

Contrary to popular belief, although I liked to read, that didn't make me a genius or something. Last year, I balanced a B to C grade average and my participation grades were in the toilet alongside my math grades. I promised my Aunt Monica I would do better this year and I didn't wanna let her down.

I was pulling my notebook out of my bag when I noticed that my desk was moving. Like actually moving.

I looked around to see a large pale hand gripping my desk and chair and you'd never guess what or who the limbs were attached to. I looked around the classroom in disbelief; did nobody hear this?

I didn't know what type of bullying this was, but this was weird. Still, I just pressed my lips together as he moved me. Once he was done, our desks now pressed side by side, I quietly got up and moved all my stuff back to its original spot. Once again, nobody noticed.

Sadly, this was all in vain seeing as it was pulled back once again. I tried to stop him, even when I held onto my desk for dear life, it just made it easier for him. Again, I moved my desk back, my classmates still oblivious to the game of tug-o-desk going on.

After the fifth time I just gave up, allowing him to drag me into his space. I tensed as a thick long arm was draped around the back of my chair.

I didn't know if it was his cologne or deodorant, but he smelt really good. Like Old Spice and danger; if that made any sense. It probably didn't, but oh well.

He then leaned in close, taking what little personal space I thought I had,"Muckle better", a shiver spread down my spine as he whispered in my ear before drawing back slightly,"Yu're Tenoa, aye?" (Much better. You're Tenoa, yeah?)

My eyes widened upon hearing my name. How did he know my name? Why would he wanna know my name?

I nodded my head in short motions,"Y- y- you're one o- of th- the e- ex- ch- change students...fr- from Sc- Scotland", I squeaked, keeping my eyes trained on my lap. I felt like if I stared at him I'd get sucked into some random dimension and never get out.

I heard an inaudible sound from him and I couldn't help but squeak in surprise.

"Aye ah'm", he responded, cupping my chin in his hand. Now I had no choice but to look at him. I practically melted in my seat at his predatory gaze; for a moment I thought he would eat me. "Mah names daegan, bit ye kin juist ca' me daddy ", he whispered roughly before releasing my chin and sending me a wink. (Yeah, I am. My name is Daegan, but you can just call me daddy.)

My eyes went wide as heck and I gulped deeply before shaking my head,"N- no th- thank you." God how did this happen? How did I end up here?

I tried my best to focus on the movie, writing down random things to distract myself from the guy beside me.

He seemed to be doing the same thing, jotting down notes until he had a full page. I would be lying if I didn't glance over and copy a few things off of his. It wasn't hurting anybody.

After we both finished writing I sat back. As weird as it was, I had gotten comfortable; he was really warm and I always ran on the colder side. In my shuffling my shoulder brushed against his chest and I froze.

I slowly looked up to meet his dark blue eyes. I gasped upon realizing how close we were, I could feel his breath against my forehead.

Daegan didn't look away, instead leaning over to prop his head up on the arm around my chair. This put his face closer to mine; I could smell the mint on his breath against my cheek.

"Ye hae bonny hair", he stated, looking at the tight curls atop my head,"Thick." (You have pretty hair. Thick)

I blushed at the enunciation of the word thick,"U- uh thank you", I whispered fiddling with my fingers. God I've never blushed so much in my life.

"Wid look even better in mah fist as ah fuck ye", he whispered, his hot breath caressing my ear. (Would look even better in my fist as I fuck you.)

I ducked my head, the redness immediately traveling up my neck and across my face. God I could even feel the heat in my ears.

'Oh dear God, help me.'

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