
I will be taking a break from all stories that have more than ten chapters. I need to focus on my others to catch them up. 
          	I don't know how long this will take but it will go into effect immediately.
          	If you have any questions feel free to ask.
          	Thank you, ❤️


I'm so sorry if I'm Bothering you but I was wondering if you are planning on updating back to you?


@Acuriel22 I have been taking a break from both that book and my other (Prince in the Dress). I'm trying to focus on my other book atm but I probably will update it in a week or two bc of ur question . Ty for reading❤️


I hope I'm not bothering you with this but I was wondering if you had any plans on updating I'm Grown any time soon 


@kiwiiboo oh ok thanks for getting back to me 


@kiwiiboo you're fine, and yes the plan is to update it this week. 


          I will be deleting my stories that are not about Glee as I need to focus on them as they are a priority atm. 
          I also have come up with a new oc for another glee story with Santana and Brittany as the love interest. It will be a transgender Oc mtf and their journey through gender identity.
          However, I am stuck for a face claim atm and will most likely create a poll in one of my glee stories if I get no replies on this message.


I also have deleted my marvel story simply because a comment made me realize that it wasn't good enough and I am so sorry for those who read it. 
          I'll see what I can do to make my characters not pushovers and have a mind of their own. I try my best to make the main characters people that are likable and I'm sorry if they're not. 
          I apologize for my shitty stories and please know I will try to be better