
Hello! To anyone who actually reads my things or waits up for them!
          	I have a week off, currently, which means I need some time to relax, so I may be slower on chapter release these weeks or they may be smaller!
          	Schedule will come back when I go back normal weeks!


Hello! To anyone who actually reads my things or waits up for them!
          I have a week off, currently, which means I need some time to relax, so I may be slower on chapter release these weeks or they may be smaller!
          Schedule will come back when I go back normal weeks!


If anyone is actually regularly reading my work! I say thank you to you guys! Uh, but anyway to the subject 
          If my work is very spaced out right now, it’s because I’m dealing with personal issues! So right now it’s like pretty random when I’m going to post chapters, 
          I will get a schedule soon though don’t worry!