
He Says He’s Just a Friend passed 200k reads!!!
          	Thanks so much to everyone who’s read and commented and liked it! Your support makes me feel like continuing to write and post, especially in those times when I feel like I’m not very good and should just give it up.
          	And if anyone is wondering, I am currently working on something new but it’s going kind of slow. Last year I started like five different stories but I didn’t really connect with any of them and I got stuck on most of them so I kept dropping them. Then I had massive writer’s block for months and didn’t write a single word. I’m trying to let this new one just flow and let it be whatever it is, and try not force it so I don’t end up hating it. So I can’t promise how long it will take, but I am working on it at least a little bit every day.


@jms777 loved he's just a friend soooo much


He Says He’s Just a Friend passed 200k reads!!!
          Thanks so much to everyone who’s read and commented and liked it! Your support makes me feel like continuing to write and post, especially in those times when I feel like I’m not very good and should just give it up.
          And if anyone is wondering, I am currently working on something new but it’s going kind of slow. Last year I started like five different stories but I didn’t really connect with any of them and I got stuck on most of them so I kept dropping them. Then I had massive writer’s block for months and didn’t write a single word. I’m trying to let this new one just flow and let it be whatever it is, and try not force it so I don’t end up hating it. So I can’t promise how long it will take, but I am working on it at least a little bit every day.


@jms777 loved he's just a friend soooo much


I just saw that He Says He’s Just a Friend has reached 100k reads!! I love this story and these characters and I’m so happy it’s been embraced by so many people. Thank you so much to everyone who has read, voted, and commented.


@CarolPower3 thank you so much!


@jms777 Thoroughly enjoyed this story as well as Milo and Judah and Sincerely Austin.You have a great writing style. Keep up the good work.


Milo & Judah just reached 100k reads!!! I love this story and I’m so glad so many of you have liked it as well. Thank you so much!!


I feel like I never post about My Summer of First. It’s like the overlooked middle child of my recent works. Honestly, it’s mostly because I feel anxious about possibly annoying people. I usually tell myself that no one wants any of these read count updates, but I think this one needs to be mentioned. MSOF passed 50k!!


I can’t believe He Says He’s Just a Friend reached 20k in just under a month. Wow! The fact that it happened on Taylor Swift’s birthday makes it even better. Emmett would be very pleased.
          I’ve loved reading all the comments. I’m very happy this story has been well-received so far. I almost didn’t post it because it has a lot more drama than the last couple stories I wrote, which people seemed to enjoy. But now I’m so glad I did. I appreciate everyone who reads, comments, and votes. Thank you all so much.
