
Sadly, my ONC2023 entry NO SECOND CHANCES has not been chosen to advance past Round 1. 
          	First and foremost, my heartfelt congratulations to everyone who made the cut. Best of luck to you all!
          	As for me, I am disappointed to see my story fail to advance, and I need to put it on hold while I process and consider what this means for my future plans. Rejection is a part of being a writer. It hurts, but it is also a sign that a story might benefit from being scrapped, reworked, or might be better suited to a different platform. A lot to consider!
          	Apologies to those of you are waiting for updates. I know this might be a disappointment for you as well. I appreciate your support more than I can say ❤️❤️❤️


@adam_and_jane you have beautiful sense of telling story you deserve it ❤️❤️ Goodluck in your next opportunity ❤️❤️


@adam_and_jane dont be sad, stay strong and fighting, #hugs#


@dtaylorbooks_ thanks, I appreciate that. Losing is liberating! No need to stick to the novella word count requirement or the deadline anymore. Good luck with your entry! 


          I hope this message finds you well. I'm a freelance book cover designer with a passion for creating captivating visuals that truly represent the essence of a book. I've been following your work and I'm impressed with your writing. I'd love the opportunity to collaborate with you on a unique cover design for your next project. If you're interested, let's chat and discuss how I can bring your book to life visually. Looking forward to hearing from you! 
          Best regards,


Hi! I really enjoy reading your books! Just finished Cora’s story and was about to jump into Hollywood Remake but I saw your announcement for Cora’s second book. As I see it’s still ongoing but hasn’t been updated since February and I wanted to ask if you’re planning on completing the story cause it seems really interesting! Thank you 


@KP0082 hi! Thanks so much for reading and commenting. It means a lot! ❤️
            I don’t have any immediate plans to post more on Wattpad, but hopefully I will be able to share book 2 of Cora & Jamie’s story elsewhere. Stay tuned for announcements! 


Hi!  I’m a Survivor of human trafficking and truly appreciated your book Follow Me Back.  Your intentions in writing this book may have been different, but I utilized as a tool for prevention.  I recently shared my testimony and the book with a group of social workers from Family , Children, & Youth. Hoping they decide to pick it up and teach others about online dangers!  Blessings and many thanks for your writing this book!


Talking about slow burn! It's Only Temporary is a really good boooook. I love the characters and the plot! Oh, I think it's more because of your writing style! How you unfold the story. I love it! Show it, don't tell. Exactly. 
          And the characters are smart and logical, and have human characteristics! Not some stupid and innocent female characters and overpowered male that don't make mistakes. You know what I mean. There are plenty of those books here in Wattpad.


@HoWellUBeALovers i definetely agree, I injoyed it a lot due to its realistic and unique approach with the story telling and the characters. And I cannot wait for the contnuation of book 2. 


@HoWellUBeALovers thank you! I’m so glad you liked it!


Is the sequel of Follow Me Back here on Wattpad please 


@Du-grey sorry, I only have book 1 first draft here on wattpad 


          I remember reading Follow Me Back and just came across it recently again. I was wondering is it possible to read and purchase the sequel and understand it from the Wattpad Draft? I wanted to purchase the sequel after only having read the Wattpad copy… is that possible?


@booknandy hi! Yes, you should definitely be able to understand the published sequel Tell Me No Lies. It picks up right after chapter 41 in the wattpad version. Thanks for reading! ❤️❤️❤️


Finally I’m starting up reading again and came across Tell Me No Lies. I remember loving Follow Me Back and just had to read the sequel! I AM OBSESSED!! Next up I need to read Scared Little Rabbits. 


@lainabananna hey, that’s amazing to hear. Thank you so much! I hope you like SLR as well! ❤️❤️❤️