
Wattpad has really gone downhill lately, I mean removing the private messaging?? Really, wattpad?! Grr >:(


Hi sarah! You won't believe me but i'm gonna tell you this THIS IS MY FAVOURITE BOOK that i have ever read... It makes me realise many things, i don't know if it's the way you write, or the characters. But reading this book again again makes my day, brings me sleep in peace. I have lost my count how many times i have read this... But for sure that i will never stop reading it... I am so excited and also eager for your other works. Grace us with your other books too.
          Lots of love♥️ 


            Hello, I (SafeSarah) am NOT the person who wrote Dalaric, I just simply reposted the work because the actual author (previously under the name "ARKHNN") deleted her book and account from wattpad.
            Although I'm sure your words would've been very appreciated by the real author had she seen it :)
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Hii Sarah. Can you download books which have been deleted for real? If yes then you'd be the biggest blessing for me. I really need few books from wattpad to be recover. So can you help me a lil here??


            I wish I could but I can only download books that are still available on wattpad. I only downloaded Dalaric when it was still up.
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Hi. Just read your about it, and I was the same way when I started wattpad in 2020, but because it was so hard to book as a picky reader, I just caved and excused some things I normally won't. I would've loved your reading list back then but I appreciate it not. 


@authormari11 I also wrote my own book (which is on my other account) all because I wanted to give picky readers like me something this would love and appreciate. 
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heyy! I just wanted to ask if there's a separation between the leads in 'faded' on your list, and if there is, how long does it last/are they faithful?


            Hey, faded is actually not a romance book, it's about a family and the tough times they go through, no romance whatsoever haha, but it's a favourite of mine so I put it on the list
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Do you have a "peaches and kisses" by goldenblanc pdf?
          She finished the book before, and I sadly didn't download it before she took it down