
Hi everyone. I know alot of you ask about my other books and my schedule updating. So going forward this is what I have planned.
          	 My main focus is completing demon.
          	There might be random updates of lost triplets and reunited whilst I'm completing demon but not alot 
          	Once demon is finished I will finish the lost triplets and update reunited which will be alot shorter.
          	Book 4 of the Russo series will then  be written. In addition to editing the unwanted twin. 
          	I'm aiming for two chapters a week now but I'm sure you all can appreciate life does get hectic some times.


Hi everyone. I know alot of you ask about my other books and my schedule updating. So going forward this is what I have planned.
           My main focus is completing demon.
          There might be random updates of lost triplets and reunited whilst I'm completing demon but not alot 
          Once demon is finished I will finish the lost triplets and update reunited which will be alot shorter.
          Book 4 of the Russo series will then  be written. In addition to editing the unwanted twin. 
          I'm aiming for two chapters a week now but I'm sure you all can appreciate life does get hectic some times.


Hi everyone,
          Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I'm halfway through writing the next chapter. Hopefully have it out to you soon. 
          Just want to let you all know I will be continuing . I haven't abandoned the book.


@R3b3cca09 Take your time...we will be waiting❤️❤️❤️


Thanks that’s good to know because this is one of my favorites I be checking every few minutes for an update ❤️❤️❤️


@R3b3cca09 okayy! Love the lost triplets tho!