Chapter six

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Sooooooo, sorry for taking so long to update. -_-

Well here you go, another chapter. Hope you like it. Personally I don't think I did so well on this one but whateve's. :D

Well that's all for now.



Kyle's P. O. V.

Turns out the punishment that I received was only two day's worth of detentions, while Aiden has two weeks of detention's.

Ha, paybacks a bitch, sucker! I mentally did a victory dance.

Well, partly the reason why he got so many detentions is because Linda thought it was high time he learned to take responsibility for his actions. But I think another reason why she did it was because she doesn't like Aiden, mainly because he bully's me. Though it must be against school policy or something to punish a student that long for just a fight.

Not that I'm complaining.

Anyways, it's been a week since then and I'm thoroughly enjoying watching Aiden suffer. I'm evil I know. Everything has been great this past week; even my dad hasn't done anything to me. The only problem is that Zack has been avoiding me like the plague, and I'm not sure why. It started when we came back the next week.

During class he wouldn't look at me or even greet me, and I never saw him at lunch, which I usually did when he sat with the four weird kids that are his friends.

It was Wednesday now and I still haven't heard anything from him. Truth be told I was hurt by the way he was acting and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't figure out why he would hate me all of a sudden. Oh, I've had plenty of thoughts on the subject and the one conclusion that I ended up coming back to the most is that he must have found out I was gay.

That's what anyone did when they found out I was gay. Avoid me. Next thing you know they follow everyone's lead and start bullying me as well. Hitting. Punching. Kicking. Name calling. All of them. And the pain that comes with it is not much better. The doubt in my mind that I would ever find happiness. The thoughts of suicide. The guilt that comes after thinking those thoughts.

I couldn't trust anyone.

Every single one except Mia.

She's always been different then everyone else. Never following anyone's orders, didn't care what people said about her, just did what she wanted, and I loved her for that. When I'm with her I never feel like I have to hide anything. She'll listen to what I say and never judge unfairly, she always sought out the bright side of a situation and made sure you saw it too. She's the best friend I could ever have and the best sister I would ever want.

Right now I was in fifth period, twirling my pencil around my fingers and staring blankly at the piece of paper with twenty questions in front of me. It had been placed on my desk not to long ago - fifteen minutes ago to be exact - by my teacher.

We were having a test today, a surprise one, much to everyone's enjoyment. But I didn't care, my mind was filled with too much thoughts about Zack to actually care about passing the test.

It was really annoying how much my mind was occupied by Zack. I didn't even know why I cared what he thought about me, its not like it ever bothered me if someone liked me or not before, so why now? Why him? What's so special about Zack?

Sure he's gorgeous and all, but its not like I haven't ever seen someone who is that handsome before, so it cant be that. Was it the way he talked or went about himself? Or was it the side of him that he doesn't seem to show many people, the one I saw at B&N? The curious, shy, and gentle side. It must be that reason, the others don't fit.

Gay, Hell Yeah I Am! (BoyxBoy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن