Chapter 25

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I'm basically ready and race ahead of him, I know he has to take off his tank top, button down and shorts then get in giving me enough time get comfortable with the oceans temperature.

Even though the air's kinda warm the water is still a little cold, Kinda feels like a swimming pool. It's warm before you actually go in. I hear another splash of water meaning Saint's finally in. I turn around seeing his body come towards me and I swim out a little further.

When we stop I don't feel the gains of sand but do see the hotel. "I better not get bitten by anything!" I tell Saint letting out a shaky breath.

"You'll heal!" He chuckles and I smile at how his hair hang on his forehead until he pushes it back "What's something you did that you can't tell your parents?"

"I was holding a packet of condoms for someone, my parents thought they were mine and I never denied it." I keep my arms and legs moving keeping my a float "What's one thing you regret?"

"Raising my pack in violence." He states "What's the real reason you don't like me?" He asks and my heart hurts a little for putting that in his head, I was only half joking. But I don't want him to know that, so I take a deep breath then sink in the water letting it consume me.

One, two three, four..I keep counting in my head keeping my eyes sealed shut nine, ten. I swim back up to the surface gasping for air, I see Saint two feet away from me and I note that I've somehow put distance between us.

"I get to go again since you didn't answer." He tells me "Most embarrassing party moment."

"I had to fake being drunk once, never showed my face ever again."

"What happened?"

"It's my turn." I tell him and he gives me a small smile "How did you find my room?"

"I asked the girls." I can't help but roll my eyes at his comment. "Will you go out with me?"

"On a date?" I clarify.


"No." I reply.

"Why not?" I don't want what I already feel for you to grow, but I'm not gonna tell him that so I go under the water again for another then seconds. I come back up gasping already sick of this game.

"Why are you obsessed with me?" I question. Saint's eyes stay on my for a minute then he goes to say something then throws it out the window letting himself sink, ugh finally! His ten seconds take too longer making me want to go after him but he resurfaces. "What are you good at?"

"Writing." Oh? We have a writer ladies and gentlemen "What's your favourite song?"

"Right now.." I take a second "War of hearts. Do you like being an alpha?" He seems a little taken back by my question.

"It has its pros and cons. Why do you not want to be my mate?" He asks.

"You need someone that can handle you." I tell him and I watch him swim closer towards me.

"I'm too much to handle?" He moves closer to me and I'm close enough to see water run down his pink lips, this isn't enough distance, Nia's going to act up. "What's one thing you've noticed about me?" His voice is in a low seduction tone.

"You have a scar," I move to him then raise a hand towards his ear, I lightly gaze my fingertips on his jawline then run my hands behind his left ear. His eyes don't move from mine so it's hard to tell if I'm effecting him the way he does me.

I reach the back of his ear and run circles around his scar "How'd you get that?" I retrace my hands a slowly as possible.

"My father gave that to me for smiling to much as a kid." I feel his hand gently gaze my waist but I don't mention it as his touch send electrical sparks through me. "Why don't you want me?"

"I do," It kinda just slips out and at that he takes it as an invitation putting his hand on my waist and pulls me closer, I can see a hint of black in his eyes and Nia isn't even fighting me for control. This is us, two teenagers destined to be lovers but one won't except her fate.

"Then why do you keep pushing me away?" His words come out as whispers and I feel his free hand work it's way up my body giving me the tingling sensation, his hands stop at my throat and I see his eyes shift to my lips.

His body weight overwhelms me but he's not leaning completely on me, we're just really close right now. He takes his thumb and moves my chin in a different direction to his and he leans in taking a whiff of me, well more like a deep breath.

He then plants the softest kiss on my collarbone getting me to sigh and almost melt in his arms, he does it again planting his next kiss by my shoulder. He kisses start to trace all over my upper body never touching my lips and never going below my collarbone.

My breathing speeds up as my heart beats dangerously fast in my chest, am I really gonna let my guard down because of some kisses? Even though they are memorable and dazing do I really want to do that?

Throw in the towel because of a mate bond? What would my father do?

"Spend tomorrow with me Nadia." I can't tell if he's asking or telling me either way I find myself nodding and he plants another kiss on my eyelids which is my favourite spot.

Nia gets too excited because of where his hands are which are on my butt and she takes control for a split second and jumps on him, this takes us both back making me almost drown him.

I swim back to the surface getting air in my lungs the let out a little laugh, my eyes open finding Saint's and he smiles at me "Let's get back!" I tell him and start swimming to the shore.

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