19 | I Love You Bailey

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She kisses me back.

My arms snake around her waist and she traces her fingers down my back. She has to stand on her toes to reach my lips, so I, easily, lift her onto a step-stool nearby.

Her kiss feels passionate but also desperate, as if she might lose me any minute. But she quickly pulls away in a panic.

"I can't. I shouldn't... I'm sorry," She says, as she rushes out of the gym.

"Why not?" I yell after her. I rush out of the gym and head over to the only place she ever goes when she's sad.

Her room.

I knock on the door.

"Who is it?" She asks through sniffles.

"It's me."

Way to be specific, genius.

"Come in," She says, and I open the door to see her wearing a sweatshirt again, and tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Why'd you run away?" I ask, keeping a distance from her. She looks away from me. "Just tell me!"

"I can't," She whispers, almost as if she's embarrassed of what she has to say.

"I promise I won't judge," I reassure her. She studies me for a while, calculating if she should trust me or not, before she finally sighs.

"I can't, because your job can kill you anytime. I can't lose the only person that I truly like."

"What?" I ask, somewhat touched and a little surprised. "You think I'll die? Well, you're mistaken because I've been doing this for a long time, and not once have I been hurt. Not even a paper cut."

"And I promise you, that I'll never leave you," I tell her, as I approach her again.

She again, looks at me for a while, until a rare and genuine smile forms on her face.


His words were reassuring.

To the point where I'm fine with what he does. He can kill as many people as he wants as long as in the end, he's still with me. All I want is him.

And as long as I have that, I'm okay with everything else.

The minty fresh scent of his breath trickles down onto my lips as his lips land on mine. I kiss him back with my all.

My fingers trace an hourglass tattoo on the side of his waist. It's completely full, which means neither side will run out. I wonder what that means. But as of now, I close my eyes as he kisses me.

The entire world blurs around me, and my bad memories fade under his kiss. It's almost like he's a magician. My magician. He pushes me onto the bed, not once breaking our kiss.

"WE'RE HOME SWEET HOME!" I hear Anna's voice echo through the mansion and Adrian nearly falls on top of me. "Whoa... if y'all were gonna have a frick-frack session, at least do it at night."

"We weren't," I tell her. "Even if we were, we'd probably not be as obvious and loud as you and Blake."

Her face turns red, but she shakes it away. "The key is passion."

Blake walks in with a lollipop in his mouth. Then I remember him complaining on the phone with Anna that he really wanted a lollipop.

"Less kissing. More cooking."

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Pasta!" Blake exclaims.

"Cake!" Adrian screams.

"Sandwiches!" Anna inputs.

"Y'all decide on one or you're going to hungry today," I tell them, as I head over to the kitchen. I hear a heated argument coming from them.

"That clearly says cake. We should go give this box to Bailey so she can make it."

"BLAKE! Just because I'm dyslexic doesn't mean I'm illiterate. That clearly says pasta! I can't believe you were going to trick me!"

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP! We're going to have sandwiches! End of story!"

There's silence.

"That's what I thought. BAILEY! SANDWICHES IT IS!"

I roll my eyes and get out the bag of bread Anna just bought. Adrian approaches me in the kitchen. "I wish you could make cake."

"That's a dessert."

"I know... but it would be fun," He whines. I chop up some lettuce, tomatoes, and carrots. What? I'm a vegetarian okay? I don't cook meat. After being abused my dad for years, I can't imagine supporting people killing animals and eating them.

That's just my opinion.

"I'll make cake later. It's fine," I tell him.

"You can't spend all day in the kitchen."

"Oh, yes I can," I say, as I remember all those days when I would cook and cook for a gathering my dad would have at home where his friends would all come over. Some would give me perverted glares, but it never really affected me.

"Just because you can doesn't mean you should," He frowns, as he takes my hand and kisses it. I smile like an idiot at that. The toaster... erupts? I don't know what to say for that, but the bread is toasted, so I take it out, and place the veggies and cheese in it.

I arrange four plates, and place two sandwiches for everyone except me. I'm still not used to eating so much.

"YOUR FOOD IS READY!" Adrian yells. Blake and Anna excitedly rush into the kitchen.

"Ugh, I love you Bailey," Anna coos, as she takes her plate. "I've been starving. At least Blake had a lollipop."

"What are you talking about? You literally raided their snack shelf and ate it on the way."

"I never asked for your input," She hisses. I take a seat, and Adrian sits next to me and starts eating up his food like a goddamn horse. Even horses don't eat that fast.

"A'ight I'm done," Anna says. "Bye guys." Blake follows her, and a while later we hear some "in love" giggling.

"They're cute. But we're cuter," Adrian says, and sends me a wink.


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