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Camilas pov

I've just finished up the collab with the 3 other YouTubers, I done it while Lawrence was in school I talk to the others.

"Hey, do you all want to go get something to eat?" I ask, they nod and we grab our stuff and go out

When we got to a place I frown seeing Lawrence talking to a girl and laughing, I feel tears coming to my eyes thinking of the worse, he looks up feeling someone staring at him and sees me, he sighed and looks away back at her, he said something and got up walking to me, I walk out and he follows.

He runs catching up to me and stops me

"Camz" he said

"What?!" I yell, he giggles

"What's wrong?" He laughs

"Seriously?" I ask, he nods

"Yeh, why you all moody?" He asked, I was shocked

"Maybe the fact I just saw my boyfriend laughing it up with some girl, when he's meant to be in school" I say, he frowns.

"You're mad because I wasn't in school? Seriously, babe missing one day is nothing...though don't tell my mom or dad" he said, I shook my head.

"No Lawrence, I'm not mad that you missed school I couldn't  give two fucking shits...I'm mad because you was with another girl" I say, he frowns.

"Why?" He asked

"Because it looks like you're on a fucking date with her!" I say getting frustrated

"Baby...how old do you think she is?" He smirks

"I don't know...17? It's not the fucking point! You seem so much more happier with her than you are with me!" I say, he kisses me and I push him back.

"Well...she'll love you, Yeh my new wife in there....she's 29" he said, I make a gross face

"And my therapist" he said, I frown

"Why were you so quick to assume things? And why would you think I would cheat on you?" He asked, i sigh.

"I don't know" I mumble, he kissed me yet I still pulled back

"You should be in school" I whisper, he frowns

"Babe...what's wrong?" He asked, i sigh

"You seem happier with a fucking therapist than you are with me" I say, he smiles

"That's not true" he said, I nod

"Do you think...we should take a break? So you can do your therapy and school and I can do my YouTube thing? Just for a little while" I say, he looked scared and hurt.

"N-No" he stuttered out, he gulps and I sigh

"I just think we should...maybe it's for the best" I say, he shook his head

"No come on, I'll quit therapy, I don't want this, I don't think it's for the best it's for the worse, no we shouldn't break up" he panics.

"It's not breaking up...it's just being apart for the little bit so we can work on ourselves and what we do individually" I say, he shook his head.

"No" he said, he grabs my waist pulling me into him

"We don't need that Camz, we are fine how we are...what I need is you" he mumbled, he kisses my cheek holding me close.

"Come on...you don't want this either" he said, I sigh

"I do and you can't tell me what I want, okay...we are going on a break you to work on your anger and...whatever else and me to focus on my YouTube thing, bye Lawrence" I say, I pull away from him and walk away.

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