Chapter 10

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Rosalind's POV-

Home. My home. That's where I am. I'm in my house. Lucian never brought me last week. I guess Lucian brought me here after going to his house first because I am currently wearing one of his shirts, and he is sleeping on the small couch that's in my room.

I get up from my bed and look around. My room is empty except for the few skateboards, and clothing I left behind. I quickly walk to the door and open it as to not wake Lucian up. Unfortunately, my clumsy self-decided it would be a good time to step on a skateboard lying on the floor and fall on my bum. I tried to hold onto the small drawer next to me but all that did was make the lamp on top of it, which was made of glass, may I add, collapse and shatter on the floor completely waking Lucian up.

"Are you okay there?" He asks with his husky morning voice, which secretly turned me on a bit.

I try to ignore the feeling and just sit there on the floor collecting pieces of the now broken lamp.

"Never better." I reply.

"Don't pick that up you'll get cut."

"As if I hadn't been cut many times before." I mumble.

"I'll pick it up." He says walking my way.

I don't stop picking the pieces up and he knows it won't do him any good to tell me to stop once again because i'll just ignore him, so he just helps me collect all the remaining pieces. Once done, he gets up and throws all the glass in his hands on the small trash can I have in my room and then comes to me and takes mine. Of course, when our hands touched I felt the sparks and so did he and we accidentally made eye contact which made me nervous and my eyes turn pink.

"What does it mean when your eyes turn pink?" He asks standing up and helping me up.

"You don't need to know." I reply.

"Please tell me."


"Cause I'm curious and your Alpha."

" It means I'm nervous. Happy?"

"Very." He replies with a smirk on his face.

"Well I'm going downstairs to see if my mom and dad are awake. You coming?"

"Yeah sure."


I walk out the door and go down the stairs and turn left to the kitchen where I hear voices talking. Those voices belong to my parents.

Once in the kitchen I open the door and everyone goes quiet.

"Mom? Dad?"

They look at me in shock. As if they'd seen a ghost.

"Rose?" Asks my mom.


She begins to shake as she begins to cry. My dad runs up to her and tries to comfort her but I know it's hard when he's the same way, but because they are mates just being close to each other is enough.

My mom runs up to me followed by my dad and they give me a bone crushing hug.

"Where have you been?!" asks my mother.

"I was in a coma the past year. I woke up recently and had been staying at Lucian's house. I found out that Wyatt was only my smate. I'm still Lucian's ex-mate." Lucian growls and I quickly look at him, my eyes still pink.

"Oh honey, that explains a lot. It's okay."

"Rose, may I have a word with you? In private?" asks Lucian.

His MistakeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant