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Gallant's POV


Blinking my eyes open, I groan in annoyance at the constant high pitch noise.

Rolling over I pull the furs on top of my head trying to cancel out the noise enough to fall back asleep.

Just as I was about to succeed, the annoying started up again but this time louder than before.

Throwing the furs that were keeping me warm during the night off me, I storm through my room towards the facilities completing ignoring the noise.

Once the pain in my bladder subsided, I take a moment to slash my face with water to further wake up before deciding to pick up the device emitting the ear ringing noise, hoping it isn't someone from work asking me to come it.

Walking towards the wall I place my hand over the glowing patch before unhooking the small device, instantly cutting off the sound.

With an expressed sigh I hook it on my ear, feeling it cold perfectly against it and with a slight vibration of wanting, the sound on the other end instantly cuts off any ounce of annoyance I once had.

Stretching my arms above my head I intently listen to the voice on the other end informs me of a recent shipment of new and exotic pets that have just arrived.

Barely containing my excitement I hastily conform that I am still interested in buying a pet making the vendor on the end of the line ask a couple of more question including the species I would prefer.

Trying to compose myself I answer honestly to every question before admitting not having a specific interest in the species, not wanting to get my hope up on getting a certain breed.

with a last talk on my budget, he tells me when it would be best for me to come in and have a look before saying his goodbyes.

I stand still for a few minutes blankly staring at the wall even after the slight buzzing in my ear tells me he has gone.

Distractedly I go through the motions of getting ready. It isn't until I was getting breakfast did it finally sink in that I was finally getting a pet.

Me. Getting a pet, a pet!

Feeling giddy I lightly bounce on my toes, rushing through breakfast to get everything clean.

I move everything that as expensive or easily broken above high grounds before getting rid of anything small enough for them to choke on.

I don't really care what kind of pet I get, I just hope its one of the smaller ones that don't need a lot of exercise as I work a lot and that wouldn't be fair to them.

Luckily my job lets me bring my pet with me if they are one of the less dangerous species and don't cause to much trouble. Well that is unless you buy the pet thats trained to help you out on the field. If so you have to keep them collard at all times unless they are working, they also have to go through stricken testing to see if they are "tamed" enough.

I don't really agree with doing that to the more dangerous creatures as I know some way people train them is basically beating them into submission.

Feeling my mood go down I click the panel on my wrist, bringing up a holographic screen in the middle of the main room of my house.

A few clicks later I am making a mental list of all the things I would need for different pets.

Clicking on a video that shows you how to make a nest that comforts and makes new pets feeling secure, I quickly gather extra furs and other thinks it suggests you add before making one in the corner of the room.

The Aliens PetOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz