Pure Hatred

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A/N: I am going to be blunt with this because why not. If you don't like the book, click off and read something else. There are a million good books on Wattpad that you can choose from. You have agency in what you choose to read. Exercise that agency. 

Receiving hate comments (and I am not talking about constructive criticism--I am talking about hate) is not what I signed up for on this website, and it is stopping me from uploading like I once was. I do this for free and you get to read it for free. So, if you find yourself not enjoying this free entertainment, it would be good for your mental health to spend time on something you enjoy.


"Are you okay?" I asked Axel. I was always unsure how to be there for Axel, especially since our relationship is so not-the-typical mate relationship. Sure, we have our good times, but for the most part, we are a hot mess.

"Yeah, I'm fine." he answered.

"If you want to talk about it, I'm right here for you," I said reaching out to him, placing my hand on his cheek.

"I don't need to talk about anything. I know what I need to do," he said, locking eyes with me then placing a kiss on my forehead.

"You're going to kill them?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Yes. Jace was right, the only way to solve this is by making sure they are gone."

"Please don't do it." I ordered.

"Excuse me?" Axel looked at me with a confused expression, almost betrayed that I didn't carry a gun and storm out of the room with him.

"I know you are hurt, and what happened to your family is absolutely terrible. But, don't be like them. Don't fall to their level. We have so much information to blackmail them with. We can make them resign from their positions in the Council. So, you kill them now, but when is all the bloodshed going to stop? It is a cycle that will keep going on and on. We can do this the right way, in a way that the rest of the pack will understand not be divided over."

"I'm sorry, but what part of the fact that they are the reason my whole family is dead isn't going through your head? A little support every once in a while wouldn't kill you Calista," Axel said, shaking his head at me, before grabbing a gun from his office drawer.

"I am supporting you. Supporting someone also means stopping them when you think they are making a huge mistake. Being a good mate doesn't mean I have to agree with you about everything." I answer.

"They took every ounce of happiness out of my life. So, yes, I have made up my mind, and I will go through with this."

"Don't you think that if your father wanted them dead, he could have killed them years ago. And your grandfather could have done the same, but they didn't. Don't you think your father had a reason?"

"My father was a depressed Alpha with a dead mate. You saw what happened to me when you were gone for one week. Imagine going through the pain of watching his pregnant mate die in front of him. I don't think he was thinking straight." Axel argued, his voice rising. I know I need to support him, and I know this is wrong, and I can't have him ruin his legacy. But, whether the Council likes it or not, I am the Luna of the pack, and a Luna takes care of her Alpha.

"Which is exactly why he would have killed them. But, he didn't."

"Well, I am not my father," Axel finalizes before taking a few steps away from me and heading towards the mahogany doors of his office.

"Okay, how can I help?" 


"You want my support, so do you want me to shoot them myself, or poison their food?" 

"You agree with me?" 

"No, but I'm not letting you do this alone. I am your Luna, and I am going to be there for you, even if I don't agree with it. If that's what you need right now," I conceded. 

"Thank you then."

I grab his wrist, stopping him from leaving. He glanced back at me and I can see his eyes flash gold. But this time, I wasn't scared of his wolf. I am not scared of him.

"Do you want to sleep on it first? It's been a long night and you haven't had any sleep." 

"I've made up my mind," he seriously says.

I was still holding onto his wrist, and weirdly, I could feel how quick his pulse was. I could feel how angry he was, and in that moment all I wanted was to be the one to pull the trigger against the people who hurt my mate.

"Okay, but I think they should die after everyone knows what they've done. We should plaster everything that they have done everywhere. We will publicize it. We will force them to resign from their positions. For those that resign, they can spend the rest of their lives in the cells, and those that don't, can die by a silver bullet to their chest. You're the Alpha and your orders are honored by the pack. For all the laws that they have broken, I'm sure the Guardian Triad will not mind the decisions you make regarding their lives." I explain.

"I don't want some to spend time in prison. They all will pay with their lives," he says before letting go of my grasp and but leaving a light kiss on my forehead.

"I thought that William was only making an empty threat of killing you and our baby. I thought for sure he wouldn't but knowing the history now, I know that he would do it and not have any remorse." 

"Are you going there now? Do you think you will need backup from the guys?" 

"I thought you were my backup," he says with a smile tugging at his lips. "Are you backing out already?" 

"N-No, I just don't really have a lot of experience with that sort of thing, so I thought you would want someone with a bit more muscle to be there too," I stuttered. 

"No, all I need is my pure alpha blood and a sprinkle of pure hatred. Luckily I have both." 

"Let's go then," I concluded. 

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