Where do we go from here?

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// Authors note: Hey guys! I'm sorry for the long wait for an update, I've been so busy lately and haven't had the time to dedicate to this story. I wrote a sort of filler chapter here to get myself writing again and to see if anyone is still reading... I will never give up on this story but updates will be slow and random but rest assured I will one day finish it! Thank you all for the encouraging comments and messages, I particularly love the outrage this fandom shares on Harry's behalf! //

Black robes billowed as the potions master stormed through the deselect corridors of Hogwarts. Luckily it was passed curfew so there were no innocent students for Severus to direct his wrath. His conversation with Harry was echoing in his mind as he made his way to the infirmary. Lived in a cupboard? Forgetting he was at Hogwarts? The uncle was going to kill him?
What had the world come to? He held Dumbledore accountable for this. That blasted man, whom for all appearances walked on bloody water in the eyes of the wizarding world, had left that innocent boy, Lily's boy, in the hands of that abusive  scum of a muggle for 10 years without so much of a home visit. Did the headmaster truly know of the goings on in that hell house? Severus would never have believed his mentor had it in him, but Albus' refusal to remove Harry from that home, refusal to see reason, couldn't be ignored. No, Severus now realised, his mentor, his saviour, his friend, Albus Dumbledore could no longer be relied upon. No longer trusted.
This realisation was a blow for the usually stoic potions professor, but it could no longer be ignored. Severus may be used to being manipulated and used as a pawn but he wouldn't let that happen to Harry. Couldn't stand by as those vulnerable green eyes went through any more torment. If he had to go against the most powerful wizard in existence in order to protect the child then so be it. Harry would not return to the Dursley's over Severus' dead, stone cold body. He could only pray the headmaster would come to his senses and agree to find a new home for the boy. He thought the man at least cared for the boy. Severus rubbed at his temples in a vain attempt to relieve his inner turmoil before rounding the corner to face one of the only two people he could rely upon. The only two that cared for Severus and not the spy he was useful for.

"Oh Severus finally!" Poppy sighed as the dark figure entered. Her anxiety rising as she saw no sign of Harry Potter. "Where's Harry?" She asked with increasing alarm at the grave look upon the mans face. "Haven't you found him?" The witch began to fumble around the room grasping at her wand, apparently readying to gather a search party.

"Calm yourself Poppy, the boy is resting in my quarters as we speak"

"In your quarters! What on earth for? He needs medical attention Severus, he requires monitoring, he's still unwell!"

"Don't take me for a simpleton women!" Severus snapped, too exhausted to reign in his snark, unaffected by the piercing glare being directed his way. He sighed tiredly, " the boy is physically fine but emotionally... he .. well.." he rubbed his eyes in frustration. He didn't know where to begin, he still couldn't believe he'd got this involved in James Potters son.
Growing truly concerned at this uncharacteristic behaviour, poppy ushered Severus into a chair and offered him a calming drought, frowning as he pushed the vile away. Typical Severus, pushing away all help as usual. She knew since Severus was a boy that he'd run her into an early grave, and she had an awful suspicion that Harry was going to be the same.

" He's afraid of the hospital wing" he stated bluntly. "He's severely abused Poppy, even more so than I imagined. His uncle.. something must be done about that vile monster! Do you know what Harry said? That tiny eleven year old boy actually believes his uncle is going to kill him and by god after what I've found out I doubt he's exaggerating! He needs to be moved, we cannot allow Harry to return there, not ever! I don't give a dam what Dumbledore wants! The damage already done to the child is enough. The complete dissociative behaviour he's been displaying is highly indicative of extreme trauma possibly pointing to ptsd. The constant fidgeting alone signifies anxiety, merlin knows I've only ever seen the boy sit still whilst his unconscious. And that's not even considering the amounts of time he's injured himself without seeming to care nor even notice.." Severus' tirade trailed off as his words began to sink in. How could he possibly help Harry at all. If anything at all could actually help Harry at this point, surely the sour, cruel bat of the dungeons couldn't do anything good. Hell, Severus could barley be civil to the boy!

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