Chapter 31

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Lilly's POV

I can't sleep. Tossing and turning, I feel sick and like my body is on fire. Im sweating but get cold flashes and I feel like I'm going to throw up. My thoughts come true when I jump out of bed and stumble to the bathroom to puke my guts out into the toilet. Jaxson wakes up and holds my hair out of my face, rubbing my back soothingly.

"It's okay sweetheart, you'll be okay," he says in a worried tone. I know why he's worried. Werewolves don't get sick, not even a cold. I feel the vomit rushing up my throat again so I bend over the toilet. Once I'm finished, Jaxson flushes the toilet and helps me up. I feel so much weaker and I can't feel my wolf. I brush my teeth messily, Jaxson helping to clean up again. He sets up a cool bath for me and I get in. The cold water does wonders to relieve some of the heat.

Getting out of the bathtub after getting clean, I get dressed in sweatpants and one of Jaxson's t-shirts. I take some of the medicine that I'm supposed to, hoping that it makes me feel better.

"I mindlinked Doctor Lindsay, telling her we are coming over," Jaxson informs, carrying me down the stairs.

We arrive at the pack hospital and Doctor Lindsay doesn't seem to be surprised I'm here. That's weird. I see a knowing look in her eyes.

We get to an exam room and Jaxson lays me on the bed. I'm too weak to move so I just lay there.

"What seems to be the problem today?" Doctor Lindsay asks worriedly.

I explain, "I couldn't sleep, I'm sweating and hot and the cold, and I keep throwing up."

She nods and takes my temperature, which is completely normal. She says, "I will be right back, I just have to make a call real quick."

I'm relaxing, trying to get the sick feeling to go away, when I see Jaxson tense. "Rogues," he states with an angry expression. They are targeting while I'm sick! Was this planned?

Doctor Lindsay rushes in and has an injection in her hands. I don't want an injection! Jaxson looks over at her with a confused face. She must have gotten the link about rogues and to go to the hidden bunker. Why is she bringing that in? Jaxson quickly looks at her with suspicion in his eyes, and holds my hand tight. He then turns to me and his eyes soften. While he's looking at me I see Doctor Lindsay slowly approaching. When I go to warn him, I realize that I don't have enough energy to speak.

Doctor Lindsay quickly jumps on Jaxson and sticks the injection in his neck. I see his eyes blur and him fall to the ground in a heap. Now I'm scared. My heart starts racing as his hand falls limp and out of my hand.

I look to Doctor Lindsay who has an unreadable expression on her face. I can't believe she is doing this. I trusted her with my life.

I'm still too weak to move, I don't know why. She looks over to me and starts explaining, "Your parents will be here for you soon. I had to do this so my sister doesn't kill you. If she did, she would have never found peace and would be forever tormented in the after life. I gave you those pills to weaken you, they were wolf's bane. I needed to get you here while the rogues attack so my sister and your dad can sneak you out."

Just as she finishes, my fake parents walk in. My 'Mom' goes to hug Doctor Lindsay, and I watch as she hugs back. My 'Dad' evilly smirks at me and goes to pick me up. I can't even move now, seemingly paralyzed.

I look down to see Jaxson still looking at me, unable to move. Tears are running down his face, as he can only lay there and watch as I'm taken away. As I am being carried out, I hear Doctor Lindsay talking to Jaxson, "I had to! They would have killed her and I couldn't let them do that."

That's all I hear before I'm carried out of the pack hospital and thrown into a van.


I've been in and out of consciousness for what seems like hours. I've been lying on my back in this van, rolling around at every turn, my hands tied behind my back. I was too weak to fight back, no matter how hard I've trained with Jaxson.

We must've arrived at our destination because the van stops. The door opens, letting light into the dark vehicle. I look over and see my 'Dad' and 'Mom' conversing. I can make out a few words, "South," "nearby pack," and "torture."


Jaxson's POV

I watched as my mate was taken from me, unable to do anything to stop it. I tried to mindlink Marcus, Liam, and Nathan to come help but it wouldn't work. The injection must be the reason. The rogues were a distraction, to get me off guard and to make sure no one could come to her rescue.

We immediately start contacting other packs to see if any rogues have crossed their land but no one has seen any.

I bring Brett in to question him, because his mate betrayed us and he is how she got her information. She must've stolen the patrol shifts from him, to know when to attack.

"Brett, did you know anything about what your mate Lindsay was planning, kidnapping your Luna?" I interrogate, being very intimidating.

"No, I had no idea. If I did, I would have stopped her. I knew her sister was a rogue but I had no idea she was the one who stole Lilly when she was a child. I would do anything to protect my Luna," he states, sincerity in his voice and eyes. I sense complete honesty.

"Good, because you will be leading the scouting mission to get your Luna back. You have to help the trackers and gather as much information about the rogues responsible. You must make up for your mate," I command.

He quickly nods his head and says, "Of course Alpha. I'll get right on it."

"Good, you are dismissed." He stands up fast and bolts out of the room, getting to work as fast as possible.

I am seated in my office, just staring at the wall, trying to come up with ways to find Lilly. My heart hurts, I'm in physical pain. I haven't been away from Lilly since I met her. This is what happens when mates are away from each other, they feel lost and in pain. It can drive people insane.

I need to find her, and fast.

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