12. kiss-fails and girl-time

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|12.| kiss-fails and girl-time

The ride back home was partially quiet due to the fact that Oliver wasn't one for much dialogue and I respected that. There were a few conversations here and there that had no real meaning and eventually we drifted off somewhere. He had a bruise under his eye, I dismissed it thinking it was just something left from the black eye he'd previously had.

I'd noticed he was staring at my hands when I changed the radio station but I thought nothing of it as we said our goodbyes resulting in Oliver chuckling quietly and my eyes rolling multiple times as I made my way to the door.

Apparently Sidney decided to make my life harder and showed up at my bedroom door sometime around eleven that night in her sweats, a hoodie that looked oddly like it was made for a guy and her overnight bag thrown over her shoulder.

She smiled, walking past me and into my room, tossing her bag in the corner of my room and launching herself onto my bed. I heard her chuckle, "I'm spending the night, babe so what do you want to watch, I have Zack and Cody reruns or Now You See Me, the one with Dave Franco."

My eyebrows furrowed, she was insanely happy this late at night, "Why are you here?"

She pulled my blanket down and wiggled her way under, sighing in content as she laid in the middle of my bed spread out like Patrick Star, "Well, truth be told, I planned on staying over at Kat's but when I got there I might've seen a condom wrapper sitting on the floor of her living room. Girl, I fled like January at a boob convention, let's just say, babygirl isn't a virgin anymore and I was not going to sleep in their bodily fluids."

I groaned at the thought of my best friend getting it on, "Ugh, Sid I was sleep," my hair was thrown up in a careless bun and sometime throughout the night is throw on an old sweater because the weather in my house was being extremely bipolar.

Cuddling further into my black cocoon of a blanket, I narrowed my eyes at the intruder.

"I can tell from the drool on your face."

Flicking my gaze up to the lids of my eyes, I let out an inhuman sound of distress, my voice coming out as a groan, "Who even let you in?"

I heard a jingle as she tossed keys on my floor next to her bag, "Your mom gave me a spare key."

My eyes were threatening to close as I let out yawn that could pull a bear from hibernation, "Since when are you so close to my mom?"

Sid was laughing at the frigidness of my tone and the scowl on my face as she responded, rubbing her hand down her face before groaning and throwing a caramel arm over her eyes, "Since I stopped you from drowning last summer. I fucking hate mother nature; who the fuck thought it would be okay for teenage girls to break out this bad?"

I had to admit, Sidney's skin wasn't flawless but it had been clearing up and I made a mental note to steal some of her face cream when I could.

Laying across her stomach, I sighed as she pulled her hair over to the side, "I never asked, what happened with Luca?"

And Sid's body went rigid as she sat up, I didn't know whether to take that as a good sign or a bad one, "You mean what happened after you abandoned me with Luca?"

"Same thing..."

Sidney was blushing, her hands coming up to cover her face, a frown set in place. She calmed herself before sliding under my covers head first like a scared kitten. Her body laid in a lump on my bed as she died of embarrassment, "I blew it."

And I thought of all the ways she could've screwed up so bad he was literally running away from her.

One thing came to mind, "No way!"

Psychopath. (bwwm) ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن