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Jungkook could feel his socks getting soaked in the entering water as he threw open his bedroom door, his mind set on one thing and one thing only.

He had to save him.

More water had build behind the closed door, now crashing into him with full force, making him stumble back a little. But he managed to keep his balance, his sweatpants now absorbing it as well. He could hear faint screams of terror in the distance, children and adults alike.

He had to push his emmpathy aside for the moment though, running the best he could through the corridor that seemed to go on forever. The water was grazing the bottoms of his shins at this point, the amount growing at a worryingly fast pace.

On his way to the stairs numerous families were rushing past him, carrying kids who were bawling their eyes out. He closed his eyes in an attempt to shut the suffering out. He had to focus if he wanted to make it.

He bumped into a security guard, who grabbed his shoulders.

"Where are you going, kid? Get out of here." He yelled, voice barely audible over the sounds of the water entering the ship with no mercy. He pulled Jungkook with him into the direction of the escape exit, but the opposite way of where he wanted to go. The opposite way of where he was needed.

Jungkook struggled in his grip, trying to pull himself away. When the security guard wouldn't budge, he felt tears well up in his eyes.

This was his fault. He was going to be responsible for his death.

"Please, sir! Let me go, I have to save him!" Jungkook yelled desperately, hitting the man's arms now. The face of the man he might never see again was the only thing on his mind.

"I'm trying to save you." The man spoke through his teeth, using all of his strength to both make his way through the water and pull the boy with him.

With one last tug of his arm, Jungkook freed himself. He gave the man a sad smile, "I don't want to be saved." The man looked at him as if he was crazy. Maybe he was, yet he didn't care at the moment.

He nodded his head in respect and as a way of saying 'Thank you' before turning around and making his way back to the stairs at the end of the corridor, feeling like he had been set back an entire mile. He was so cold, threading through the water in nothing but sweats and a shirt. Moving got harder and harder as the water now almost reached his knees. He strained all of his leg muscles in an attempt to make him go faster.

When he had finally reached the stairs leading to the part of the cabin where only the staff was allowed, he looked back to find the security guard in the same place he had left him, staring at him as if trying to solve a puzzle. He gave a nod of his head to Jungkook and yelled something, but the moving water was too loud for him to be able to hear. With that, the guard turned around and kept walking, or rather pushing himself through the water.

Jungkook shook his head, focusing again. He clamped onto the handrail with all his might, his wet hands unstable on the cold metal. He made it down the stairs without slipping or falling.

It wasn't until he had reached the bottom that he realised just how far up the water was there, being able to feel it on his stomach. This only added to his worries, so he quickly reached out for the round doorknob. The door was the only thing separating him from his destination now.

It was no use. His hand was too slippery. He brought his other hand up, now using both arms with all his power.

Was he going to die this way? Is this really how his life was going to end? Had everything in his life led up to this?

His thoughts flashed to his mother, his dear mother. What would she do without him?

No. No, he wasn't going to allow it. He wouldn't give up and die now that he was so close. And if he couldn't open the door and save both him and the boy, then he would die trying.

Jungkook snapped out of it, these thoughts giving him the adrenaline and strength needed to think rationally. He bunched a dry part of his shirt up in his hand and covered the doorknob with it. After some straining sounds and hard gripping, he heard a click and the door swung open.

He hesitated before walking inside. What if he was going to be angry with him? Of course he would be, you dumb bitch. He walked into the dark room, trying to find the switch. When he did, he flipped it once. When nothing happened, he flipped it again. The light didn't turn on. The water must have reached the electricity box. He patted down his pants, realising he had forgotten his phone in his room in the heat of the moment. It didn't matter anyways, the water would've probably damaged it too much for it to work.

Jungkook was going to have to search for him in a dark room, with no source of light whatsoever.

He tried calling out the boy's name, but he got no response. He cursed under his breath, pressing himself to the wall and awkwardly shuffling to it. Jungkook took ahold of whatever object he could find and pulled himself forward, trying to get more to the middle of the room.

Was he going to willingly drown himself in an attempt to save a boy he had only known for what? A week or so?

Yes. Yes, he was.

But not one bit of Jungkook hesitated while doing so.

A/N: welcome to my first vkook book, I hope it has intrigued you and the writing wasn't too bad ((": it's my first time reading bts ff,, so pls be open-minded. pls be kind and vote, comment and follow!! I love reading your comments sm <33

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