Franklin and Lamar (2)

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Michael is sitting on a bench at the beach and Franklin and Lamar come walking by looking for something.
"Hey, excuse me, homie, can you tell me where Bertolt Beach House is?" Asks Lamar.
"No, homie, I cannot."
"Man, would you come on? F***." Says Franklin in annoyance.
Michael says, "Actually I can." He pauses.
"It's that house right there." He says as he points to a house with spiral yellow stairs.
They start to head to that house and enter through the back gate, going down an alleyway that leads to two cars. They hop in both cars and lower the roof. Lamar zooms out of the driveway at the house as Franklin is trying to keep up, both avoiding traffic. Cars are honking, and stopping suddenly because of them. They end up in a small parking lot and they got the cops on them. Now Franklin is trying to lose the cops after he eventually hides in an alley as the cops drive by and don't notice him. Once he lost the cops he goes to Simeon's car dealership.
Lamar was already waiting for Franklin. As Franklin parked his car in the dealership and as he was exiting the car, Simeon was talking to a customer about how racist he is and how he's not going to sell that SUV to him. It was a kid. Lamar walks up to him and says,
"Whats up, fool? Who you callin' a n*gg*?"
"No, no! I ain't callin' nobody a n*gg*!" said the kid.
"Man, what the f***?"
"I-I mean, N-word. I mean that's not cool man, I don't say that."
"Your f****** right, and you'd better keep it right, 'cause that man right there, he is an international businessman, a multiculturalist."
"I could not have said that better myself!" Says Simeon proudly.
"But seriously. I don't think this guy is racist, but he should definitely not own a vehicle like this."
"This man right here? This kid needs a hybrid."
"Ay, Lamar. I gotta go man. Hey, Simeon. I'm out."
Franklin drives home and enjoys himself for the rest of the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2017 ⏰

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