33 | bar

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Screw the goals, I'm updating!
Chapter 33: Bar
Bar: noun; an establishment where alcohol and sometimes other refreshments are served.
33. Bar

"Ten more laps around the track and you can call it a day!" I yelled at my team as they panted heavily, some giving me hateful glances as they started their run.

"Private, come here please." I yelled at the boy who gave me a glare, the others stopped to watch and I didn't mind, they needed to see what would happen if you disrespected their commander. As he got closer I saw that his name was Jax.

The boy saluted me. "Yes ma'm!"

"Would you care to explain your look of disgust earlier?"

He stuttered and opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish. "That's what I though, you run 15 laps instead of 10."

He muttered to himself and started to run around the track. It's been a solid 24 hours since I saw Blake Reed, and I couldn't be any more relieved, I don't want him to find out. Not now anyways.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Kurt. "You have a visitor Sam."

I nodded and made my way to the front entrance where the visitors went in and out, I passed by a couple of family's and some kids playing before I reached the desk. The old lady behind the wooden table gave me a glance and than pointed to a tall man in the back. "Please get that annoying son of a bitch out of here. He's been here since sun down, yesterday."

I let out a frustrated sigh. Right when I though I was free. I walked over to Blake and tapped his shoulder, he turned and gave me a boyish grin.

"What the hell do you want now?" I balled my gusts to keep myself from exploding in anger. "Why did you come to my work place?"

He grinned but stayed silent. I gave him a questioning glance but he just stood there, waiting for something.

I growled. "What do you want?"

"To talk. You can't hold out on me forever."

"Yes. Yes I can."

Finally I walked back into the training facility, what an ass hole, thinking he could just show up and do that now!

My team was long gone except for a couple of people who stayed back to grab a drink of water before they took a shower. I instantly recognized the bunch, Issac, Joey and Connor where drinking out of their water bottles. I decided to walk over to them.

"Good job today guys, you really worked hard." I complimented. They all stiffened when they saw me walk over and I laughed at how they saluted at me. "You guys are having a break, you can treat me as one of the guys."

They visibly relaxed. "Thank god, my arm started to hurt from saluting so much." Connor laughed.

I laughed with him. "You'll get used to it."

They nodded and silently agreed. "Can you guys spread a message to the team for me." I asked.

"Sure thing." Issac said.

"We're going out, and I'm buying tonight."

The three of them cheered and laughed. "Can't wait!"
I walked into my room after having a lengthy conversation to the men about working out, just because they wanted to work out on their free days.

I didn't blame them, I did the exact same thing.

I threw on a flannel shirt over a black tank top and left it unbuttoned. I wore dark blue jeans and black combat boots, after throwing on a baseball cap and my dog tags I grabbed my keys and left for the bar that was only a couple of miles away from base.

Military in High School ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant