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My hands went up and clung to the firm item around my waist as I coughed the water out of my mouth and lungs. The cold air hit me hard as the person wrapped both their arms around me to try and warm me up quickly as I shivered frantically while wrapping myself in a ball                                                                                                                                

"Shh sweetheart, we'll get home right now just stay awake for me" I heard Erebus coo into my ear.

I wanted to talk to him but could only continue to shiver as the hot skin turned into fur beneath my fingertips and Erebus began to run instantly, as I clutched onto his back and shoved my face into his black, warm fur. The air froze the droplets left on my skin as I gripped harder onto Erebus, trying to get as much of his body heat as possible. I peeked up from his fur once I'd realized he had slowed down and instantly wished I hadn't, everyone was outside and staring at us as Erebus padded over to his SUV. They all looked horrified and Addison was hugging Brandon as he looked right at me and gave me an apologetic expression. I looked forward as the driver opened the back of the trunk and Erebus jumped inside since the back seats were too small for him to fit in wolf form. The driver laid a jacket and a few blankets which I assumed were from the house in front of us and closed the door before getting in the front seat and driving away from the house quickly. Erebus had laid down now as I still clutched into his back for dear life while shivering crazily even though the heat was on full blast.

Erebus whimpered while trying to shift me over to the other side of him where the blankets and jacket were, I let go of him and shakily grabbed the blankets and jacket before laying them over me. My dress was still dripping wet and weighted me down as I pressed against him as he wrapped himself as tightly as he could against me while licking my arm where a rock had cut me. After a few seconds of us sitting in silence, he went from my arm to my face to lick my cheek and brush his large head against mine. I gave him my best smile before he went back to my arm to heal the wound as best he could. My fingers were a purple color from the numbness as I laid there and slowly felt myself falling asleep before the car stopped and Erebus looked up from my arm. The door opened up and the driver stood with a pair of sweatpants folded up in hand

"Sir," he said while putting the sweatpants forward. Erebus got up slowly as I shifted slightly to lay down and watch as he took the pants from the driver and jumped out of the car to shift by the house. He quickly came back with the pants on and reached over to pick me up with the blankets wrapped around my body. He cradled me against his chest while walking into the house and upstairs to his bedroom before laying me down on the bed. Without a word still, he turned and went into the bathroom and the sound of the shower being turned on echoed through the room. Erebus walked back out and picked me up once again to walk back into the bathroom and set me down on the toilet seat, the bathtub was filled with water and towels were set on the countertop.

"It will warm you up sweetheart, I'll be right outside," Erebus said while taking the blankets and jacket off me before kissing my forehead and walking out of the bathroom while closing the door behind him.

I dipped my hand into the water and it was at a nice warm temperature that was perfect.

After I had bathed and changed into one of Erebus's T-shirts and shorts while all the while hearing him pace outside the door, so I made sure not to take too much time. My toes and fingers still felt a little numb but we're back to the white color of my skin that was normal. When I came out he scooped me up into his arms and walked over to the bed before getting up and laying down, making sure to put the covers tightly over me. We both laid there in silence for a couple minutes before I spoke


"Hmm" he replied lowly

"I'm really sorry for going without telling you"

ErebusΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα