Chapter 39

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Author's Note

The song really has nothing to do with this chapter, I just felt like adding it. If you hadn't noticed yet, I'm obsessed with kpop.

(Hard Carry- Got7)

Here's chapter 39.


Sera's POV

The wolf and I stared at each other before he finally moved forward. I took a step backward and flinched a little when he growled at me. This wolf was obviously a rogue. It lunged towards me and I quickly shifted so that I could fight better. He jumped onto me, and his sharp teeth were inches away from my throat before I was finally able to push him back. This time, I attacked him first, and we fell onto the ground, both trying to injure the other. Nobody seemed to have the upper hand until three more wolves with the same red eyes popped out of the bushes. Internally, I cursed and started to retreat, even though I knew that they would never let me get away alive.

One of the wolves whose fur was a murky grey color leaned back, but before he could jump at me, I saw a familiar golden-brown wolf jump and attack him. I watched in surprise and disbelief as the humongous wolf quickly dismembered the grey wolf and then strolled over to me as if nothing had happened. Once the wolf grinned at me, I knew that it was Kurt. I let out a bark of laughter when he closed his eyes and smiled. He looked like a doofus, even in wolf form.

Harper told me what happened, you okay? he mind linked me.

I'm fine, but Nate's going to freak out when he finds out. Where is he?


And with that, the two of us moved to attack the three wolves that looked decidedly less confident than they did a few seconds ago.


Nate's POV

I walked away from the dead body and continued to wander through the lobby, careful to always keep an eye out for anyone. The elevator seemed dangerous, so I opted for the stairs. I climbed them two at a time until I got to the next floor. My hand stayed on my gun holster, and I scanned the hallway before walking down it, looking for anyone who was hiding. It was eerily silent, the hallways were usually filled with people chatting, but right now, you could hear a pin drop.

"Hello," I whipped my head around and aimed my gun at a lone figure who was standing at the end of the hallway. As they walked closer and closer, I realized who it was.

"It's you again," I put my gun away and cracked my knuckles. "I thought you were gone."

"No," Liam answered. "I was able to use my last lifeline for this." I tilted my head to the side and raised an eyebrow. "I will die if that means you'll die with me."

"Where's that other guy?" I thought about how I wanted to smash their heads in when I found out that they had tricked my Sera.

"Derek?" he rolled his eyes. "I don't know, and frankly, I don't give two shîts if he's dead. Which he probably is."

"Mmm, so, do you want me to shoot you or do you want to fight me like a man would?" He paused for a second before I attacked him and we rolled on the ground as we fought. I bashed his face in with my fist, and his nose bled as he tried to choke me. I growled as he tried to scratch my eyes out. 

Finally, I was able to subdue him, and I continued to punch his face over and over until it was barely recognizable. I heard a crack and felt his body go limp after a while, then threw his body against the wall. He was dead. Hopefully Sera was safe, I didn't want her to get hurt because of this useless piece of trash.


Sera's POV

I sighed and leaned against Kurt after we had fought the three wolves. I was still in my wolf form because I didn't want to be naked around anyone except for Nate.

I brought you some clothes. Kurt wandered behind a bush and threw me a shirt and a pair of pants. I hid behind a large rock and changed into them after I shifted. I sighed when I realized that he had chosen a pair of shiny green pants and a humongous yellow shirt for me. I don't even know where he got the shirt, it was so big that it would've swallowed Harper up. As I walked over to Kurt, he laughed when he saw what I was wearing.

"Why did you choose this?" I pointed to the shirt that went down to my knees.

"I didnt- HAH!" he stopped to laugh. "I just took something random!"

"You did this on purpose!" I punched his shoulder and tried to slap his face.

"Hey! Stop!" he grabbed my shoulders and held me back. "Sorry." He still had a doofus smile on his face, so I rolled my eyes and walked away without him. "I said I was sorry!"

"Shut up!" I stuck my middle finger up at him.

"Don't be angry, you look like a cute corn," he scratched his head.

"Gee thanks," I glared at him and felt the need to punch his face.

What an idiot.


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