Chapter Thirty-Three: Not Quite Human

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Chapter Thirty-Three: Not Quite Human

While heavily leaning on Lady, I managed to drag myself into the forsaken office.

X was quietly looking out the window, fixated on something probably far away from the reality he faced. Seth stood by the door, staring at the smoke leaving his lit cigarette. Rain had taken a position close to Siem, who was in his usual position leaning over his desk with his face drowned in blue of the screen on his desk. Mike was next to the door, glaring at me but retreated a little when Lady walks by. Mist was here for a few seconds but then Hana came up behind me and motioned for her to come over. Next thing I notice is her flitting down the hallway to the elevator.

Leaving us all in a thick, heavy silence.

As I stand here waiting, I can feel my body sway like I'm drunk.

"Get the boardroom open." Siem looks directly at Hanna as she finally walks in and the door shutting behind her.

She snorts, going over to a door on the right that I never noticed before. She presses a hand to the touchpad and it opens onto a brightly lit room with a table shaped like a ring and chairs lining the outside.

Without much resistance, I make my way towards the room like everyone else and plop down into the nearest chair. The room has three black walls and the wall of windows; similar to Siem's office. There was another door that probably lead outside into the hallway and the touchpad was blue.

Both Seth and X refused to sit down, leaning on the walls. X had taken a position near me looking out the window, his eyes were still focused on something distant. But when he feels my gaze on him, his gaze switches over to mine and I quickly look away. I could still feel the intensity on my face and try to distract myself by looking out the window.

The air was alive with flying cars, the traffic somehow managing to determine roads in the sky between the building and open space and each other. I would be amazed, watching it for hours but now I was more sloth than anything else. It was already a battle keeping my eyes open without my vision going blurry every five seconds.

Siem was the last to enter into the room with a round table with the giant hole in the middle. Once he did, the door shut and the touchpad turned blue. I suddenly felt extra claustrophobic but noticed that Mike didn't follow. Small miracles when you can count them.

Siem saw the confusion on my face, "All monitors have been switched off. There won't be any record of this conversation."

Well that's cleared everything up. And also just made me a little disturbed at how much is being 'monitored' and 'recorded' normally without the blue light. Especially in my 'room' when I'm asleep.

"I do not want any of the information to be over heard or leaked out to any of the higher ups of the city. Keeping your extended existence beyond being an Outsider is a priority."

For now, you mean. I kept that dangerous line of thought to myself.

"They do not know much beyond you being from the Outside and their interest is sated with that for now and I would prefer to keep it that way. For your sake as well as ours. You are the only one of your kind so far and we do not have the manpower or resources to utilise you to the extent they would want. Or worse, to look for more like you."

I stare at him as he makes his way around to the other side, directly opposite from me. "We need to get moving as fast as possible. If a Queen could have been planted so easily, I am beginning to question this city's future. Hanna, report."

Hanna steps forward and a holographic screen appears in front of her face and she simply flicks it out until it becomes a large 3d hologram that took up the empty space in the middle of the table. "Ok. From what has been recovered of the Queen and from reports prior to its termination," when Hanna stated this, I almost wince. "We can gather that the Queen's influence has only started within the last week."

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