11:45 PM

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She was nervous. Her skin was pale, her cheeks and nose colored crimson because of the weather. Her dark, wavy hair was covered with snowflakes and she hugged herself as she stared up at the building where Chance currently sojourned. Her emerald eyes actually looked black in the night sky and it was as if she wasn't even there as people walked passed her into the crowded store just steps away from her reach.

She knew that if she stood out any longer, her chances of being sick would be higher than they already are. She was freezing. Even in her black wool coat and matching winter boots. Even her jeans weren't giving her any warmth; nor her gloves. She knew she had time. Too many people were in the store to close at the struck of midnight. Perhaps one. Or two. 

She was Farah Layne. She knew what she had to do. She knew what her heart wanted. Chance. She could feel his presence. She knew he was in that store with Jessy. She knew that this was her only chance to get the boy she loved.

But, she was scared. Scared that he'll take one look at her and loathe her. She was afraid. Afraid that she would make a fool of herself in front of everyone. In front of Chance himself. 

And that will just break her more. 

But, you can't live off of fear. So, she moved one foot in front of the other and gingerly began to walk to target. What if she called, let all of her words leave her soft, pink lips and he smiles? What if all Rebecca said was one big lie? What if he still loved her? What if he came for his family along with her? She'll never know until she tries and that's what she's doing.

She was going to call. She was going to look Chance in the eyes. She was going to admit that she loved him.

When she got close enough, the doors of target slid open, welcoming her. She wore a hint of a smile and stepped in. Heat immediately slapped her face and body and she couldn't be more happy since she was at the same place Chance was and her freezing body could finally warm up. The people were like bees to her, buzzing and flying as fast as they could through the aisles of the store. It was going to be hard to talk to chance with this much people at the store. But she didn't care. She didn't care if people didn't even stop to listen to what she had to say because every word that will soon spill out her lips were for Chance. 

And Chance only.

She removed her gloves, stuffed them into her coat pocket and trailed her fingers up to her coat, unbuttoning it's buttons slowly. As her eyes roamed the building, they landed on a girl. With scarlet hair and big blue eyes. On her vermillion shirt, Farah's lips parted as she read the name Jessy

Her stance turned into a walk and her walk broke into a run as she rushed in Jessy's direction. The girls sapphire eye's widened seconds before Farah was right in front of her. She took one look at the girl's confused stare and greeted herself in a hushed whisper, making Jessy's eyes shine bright.

Ever so slowly, Jessy glanced at the boy sitting behind a closed register, looking around the store. A dark beanie slept on the messy locks of hair he owned. He was devastatingly attractive. Now, Farah knew why every girl was charmed by him. He wore a small smile but it could still make anyone melt with dark eyes flecked with gray. 

Farah's heart fluttered and her cheeks flushed but before he could turn his head and meet her stare, she broke her gaze and looked at Jessy once more. Jessy squealed eagerly before taking the girl's hand and leading her through the living jungle of people. Time was ticking. 

The blue-eyed beauty left Farah in an void aisle before jogging back to the front of the store. Farah's job was to call the store and Jessy would put her on speaker. Standing alone made some of her fear ease down but she knew that her stay in that hall would be a short one. She was meeting Chance tonight. Jessy was risking her job but she's off to college soon enough herself.

Farah reached for her phone and managed to smile at the time. 11:59 PM. She dialed the number she always called to talk to Chance. As it rung, she took a deep breath. Jessy picked up as always and asked her if she was ready to spill her little heart out. At the sound of the word yes, she said Chance's name and heard her voice soar through the four walls of target. 

Here goes nothing. 

"...Chance? Hi. Uh, I'm sure you remember my voice...by now...but, It's...Donald...and there's a lot I have to say to you."

As she spoke, she was baffled that the buzzing of bees stopped and everyone listened to her admit her feelings for Chance. She began to walk. Toward the front of the store where Chance would be. She apologized to him, apologized for hurting him. Apologized for being so blind

She said everything she's been feeling. Her anger towards him. Her jealousy of Rebecca and it actually felt good. She was glad that she could finally get all of that off her chest no matter how many people listened. 

Then, she got to the front of the store and came to a halt right next to Jessy; And she hugged her, thanking her for helping her do this. 

When they pulled away from the warm embrace, she took a look at chance. He was staring right at her. he wore no anger. No disgust. Nothing at all. So, she took a deep breath and told him that she loved him before pressing end call on her phone. "Merry Christmas, Bobby."

Before she could even stop herself, or think about the consequences from her actions, she walked up to Chance and brought her lips to his. 

And Bobby couldn't help but grin against her lips.

People cheered. Jessy watched with watery eyes along with half of the females there. I guess people really are suckers for love. Even for Farah Layne and Chance Hollins.

A/N - This is not the end. Because I slay and I don't want it to end like this. Queen G doesn't even know how to end her own story yet.

- Gyana

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