Chapter 16

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What was I going to do now? I slammed my face repeatedly into the tree trunk until my head was hurting really badly. Trust me to mess everything up! How could my imagination go as far as thinking that he had been the wolf? There had been no wolf. I had been sleep-walking obviously. How that happened? I had no idea. All I knew was that I was going home to apologize twice.

But before that happened, where was I? I had been so frightened when that wolf- there was no wolf! I tried to drill it into my head. I had been sleep walking and that was the only explanation. How could there even be a wolf next to a park for kids? Authority would know anyways.

I could try and follow Blake's path. I started off in the direction he had gone but all I could see was trees everywhere. I glanced at my watch. I had to find my way out of here fast- Mia's school bell would ring any second now. The problem was that it didn't look like I would get out of there anytime soon.

Suddenly, a loud growl came up from behind me. I froze and my heart sped up. It growled again and I slowly turned my head towards the sound and there was a big grey wolf with black-pitched like eyes. Its fur was pricked up which instantly told me that it didn't like me as much as that black wolf I had daydreamed of just a few minutes ago.

"Urm, good dog-"

It snapped its teeth at me and I quickly corrected myself.

"-I mean wolf! Good wolf," I quivered.

I didn't know if I was having another daydream but daydream or not; I was seriously scared. Okay, I'm going to count to three before running. 3...It stepped towards me...2...1! And I sprinted, tumbling in between trees and screaming my head off. Who would've thought that I, Hayley Woods, a girl who always tried to have a hard exterior and showed no feelings, would be screaming like this?

Tree branches scraped me from every side but I ignored it and kept running. The grey wolf was hot on my heels, all the while howling in anger. One of its claws caught my jeans and slashed. Pain shot up my leg and I screamed in pain but didn't cease running.

There was a flash of black fur in the corner of my eye and when I slightly turned my head towards it, my foot hit a tree root and I went flying forward to crash flat on my back. This was the end. I was going to die and Mia would have no family. I would break my promise about looking after her.

The grey wolf leapt into the air, its sharp teeth gleaming with its eyes focused on me and suddenly it wasn't there.

My eyes widened in terror and confusion as a flash of black fur went through the air and a huge black wolf clamped its teeth on the grey wolf, sending it crashing down. All I could do was stare as the black wolf tightened its grip on the other wolf's neck. The grey wolf struggled for a moment before going completely limp. Blood drained out of its neck in what seemed like an endless pool of red liquid.

The black wolf turned towards me, its sharp teeth stained red and its dark blue eyes rimmed with gold fixed on me. I stared back, I couldn't believe it. My whole mind reeled with questions and disbelief. I was still going through shock. That black wolf had just killed another wolf in front of me. It would surely go after me too.

The black wolf whimpered before the horrible sound of bones cracking reached my ears and there stood a butt-naked Blake.

So I fainted.






I shot out of my bed.

"Thank god, it was just a dream- a really bad dream," I muttered to myself and sighed in relief.

Or so I thought. Because when I lifted my gaze up, I saw five tall guys.

"Are you okay? Does your head still hurt?" Tyler asked.

"My head?" I asked in confusion.

"Yeah, when you fainted after..." Tyler trailed off and side-glanced Blake. My eyes went as wide as saucers and I vigorously shook my head.

"So this is a second dream...ha ha...when am I going to wake up?" I laughed nervously and fidgeted. The room went silent and they all averted their eyes from me.

"There was no dream," Chris whispered. My head snapped up to him and I got out of the bed.

"I think I'm going to go downstairs and throw a glass of water at my face to wake up," I said firmly and pushed them away to get to the door.

"She's still in denial," Sheldon sighed just before I closed the door behind me. My head whipped back around.

"I am not in denial because there's nothing to be in denial of. If I have to, I'll dunk myself in the pool to wake up," I snapped and slammed the door behind me. I rushed down the stairs and saw Mia playing around with Tony.

"Pig! You're awake!" Mia wrapped her arms around my legs.


"I was waiting for you after school but you didn't come, Chris picked me up instead so I got worried," She said.

"What?" I frowned. 

"Did something happen during your walk?"

"My walk?" I asked again. I refused to acknowledge that this wasn't a dream.

"Yes, after I had told you to go apologize to Blake and to clear your head! Did you forget?" She cocked her head in bewilderment. I blinked several times before slowly shaking my head.

"N-no, Mia I'm going to ask you something okay? Please answer truthfully," I knelt down and asked.


"Am I dreaming?" I asked abruptly. 

"Are you fine? Did you hit your head?" Mia tried to inspect my head.

"Just answer Mia, please," I clasped my hands together with hers and she stared at me.

"'re not dreaming," She whispered and I slowly nodded.

"Thank you. I love you Mia with all my heart. You know that?" I bit my lip.

"I know and I love you too," She smiled and I swiftly placed a kiss on her forehead before standing up and striding to the front door.

"Don't do anything stupid, Hayie," She called out. I stopped in my tracks and bent my head down.

"I won't, I promise," And with that I closed the door behind me.

I hoped that I didn't break that promise.

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