A weird Italian car with tinted windows

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  A week earlier 

He was standing along the edge of a crossroad as the cars drifted by without actually focusing on anything. Marcus was content and happy as one of the higher officials of police force in area #15. 

The place was not much developed or secure but it was peaceful enough. There hadn't been any major crimes since the military reformation. The town was balanced on the thin line between lively and chaotic and Mark loved it that way. 

But anyways, he wasn't on active duty but standing beside his closest coworker, Nathan and annoying the hell out of him cause, why not? 

Before he could he could open his mouth however, he saw a weird black Italian car swerving haphazardly to towards their side and stopping a few meters away from them when a gloved hand poked out of the window and dropped a paper file onto the pavement before taking off with surprising speed. He turned to look at Nathan who had already taken a note of the car's number in his ugly brown hand-book that mark hated. 

It was as if he kept the not just to annoy him but it was probably because it was the notebook the government provided them with in an attempt of uniformity when it was submitted later. It didn't stop him from changing the cover to a much more tolerable dark blue.

 Nathan then proceeded to walk in a calm and paced manner to take the file as if random cars dropping weird files were an every day occurrence. But as he took it and peeked into the file while walking back towards him, he frowned. 

he leaned onto his bike and took out a flimsy stack of A4 sheets and flipped through it with Mark hovering right behind his shoulder but he did not expect a picture of Mark himself stuck onto the first page.

 He then proceeded to read out his friend's age, biodata, medical history, educational history, and a small family tree with shock evident in his voice. 

Soon the paper was snatched out of Nathan's hand by Mark who start to flip through it more aggressive, but stopped at a few pages before the end. as if an entire documentation of his public life wasn't enough, there were many dialogues of private conversations that Mark was very sure had happened in the privacy of his own home and office.

 Conversations about why he had never married and why he hated sitting with people when he ate. Things that were never meant to be told to anyone but his only friend. Nathan started growing pale as he read through the dialogues and demanded Marcus to verify if all these conversations were accurate as it seemed. 

The last page was blank with nothing but a wink in text ;). Mark didn't bother to say anything as he stood there staring at the growing traffic and listening to the imaginary gears turning in his friend's head.

 Nathan then abruptly sat on his bike and motioned him to get on. They drove through the traffic at break neck speed without a word.

"Uh, so, where are we going right now?" mark shouted over the wind and through the helmet. This was treated with silence before he snapped, "I'm asking you a question, jackass!"

"The office obviously." Nate replied in a deadpan, which somehow sounded panicked.

"the fact that you're a cop and speeding way above the limit is also obvious, idiot."

"it doesn't matter, it's an emergency." Nate replied.

"I don't see how this is a emergency-" Mark was cutoff when Nate suddenly swerved to the right with no warning,

"that car!" he screeched, speeding up again. He looked around and spotted the same Italian car that caused him all this trouble. Nathan however, was downright furious as he tried to drive through the smallest gap between the cars overhead.

The car sharply turned left into much less occupied, and Mark wondered if the driver was an idiot. It proceeded to take another left before took another left before driving straight and fast. Nate managed to go side by side with it but couldn't overtake it.

 The windows were tinted, and in the moderately bright evening he could only see the silhouette of the driver. They both hit a crossroad, the same crossroad that they were supervising just minutes ago.

 Anger flared in him when he realized that the whole appearance and chase had been intentional. The car went into the crossroad again, much faster this time as it kept putting more and more distance between them. 

Nathan soon lost sight of it and turned to the police station instead, he stormed inside and took a large breath, "New recruits! you are tasked with finding any hidden cameras, wiretaps and other spy wares with thin this building!" he screeched. Mark laughed, "you sound like a drill sergeant, Nat."

"might as well become one at this point.." Nate whispered mostly to himself.

"Does this mean that almost all internal stuff might have been leaked already?" Mark asked while flipping through a somewhat tattered bunch of papers that crumpled when he had gripped it too tightly during the drive. 

"Probably, yes."

They themselves went through Marks's office but found nothing, which just doubled their confusion, which increased even more when the recruits turned up with the same result.

"Then, is it a mole?" Mark asked, wondering if things could get any worse.

"Well, it's the only other explanation we have, it must be a mole" Nate conceded.

"what do they even gain from letting us know? Even if they wanted us to know it, why do it in such a weird way? It's as if they were just... bored."

"We'll see for ourselves tomorrow. I'll ask for the camera tapes from Mel. And you should go home, Mr. victim I have paperwork to do." Nate replied.

"You mean boss around the new recruits and act as if you're doing shit?"

"Just go feed your kittens Mr. victim" Nate repeated, flipping him off.

Mark laughed; a cool breeze greeted him outside.

He drove back in his own car and parked it, and got into the elevator with no one for company. Once he reached his floor, he was greeted by small black kitten purring loudly, too loudly for comfort. 

He quickly took it up in his arms and went into his apartment while holding it tight to his chest, it had been entirely missing yesterday and wasn't found no matter how long, or loudly he searched. He sighed in relief as he set it down and went to get food for the little one. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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