Chapter 1

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Emerald's POV :

Mom : "Get up right now Emerald!"

I groaned and then covered my ears with my pillow. I didn't want to get up today especially since today was a back to school day.
Everyone hates the first day of school am I right? I opened my eyes a little to see the clock on my bedside table , I frowned seeing that I don't have much time to get ready. You always have to look your best on the first day of school because whatever image you set that day will remain with you for the entire school year. Or even your whole school life.

Thats what happened with me as I am known as the quietest girl in the whole school. I don't understand why they (Former classmates) gave me that nickname. It's annoying, like just because I was confused of this new environment (I had moved schools) I didn't say much as I was just listening to everything.

But I take this new year as a good opportunity to fix this mess I had created by accident!

Mom : "EMERALD!!"
Emerald : "Coming mommm!"

I picked myself up from my bed and dragged my legs to the bathroom to get ready for school.

Author POV:

Emerald had came running down the stairs to find her mom's face shooting angry looks to her.
Emerald chuckled nervously as she sat down on the table and checked her phone to see 59 notifications on her phone

Emerald : "What could they be bugging me about?!"
Mom: "Forget that! Eat quickly we have to leave in like 5 minutes."

Her mom put down the plate of pancakes in front of her.

Emerald checked her messages.

Phone POV:
The best group chat in the world 🌎 ✨✨

                      August 31 Sunday 11:45 pm
Jess 👹: Is anyone awake rn???
Ruby 🌷: Yes lol
Jess 👹: Why are you awake!!?
Ruby 🌷: Bc I couldn't sleep!!
Jess 👹 : We have school tomorrow!
Ruby 🌷: Ik! But I don't wanna gooo
Jess 👹 : Sameeee!!!
Jess 👹 : I wanna stay at home and relaxxx
Ruby 🌷 : I wish we could do that.
Ruby 🌷 : I think 9th grade will be fun tho
Jess 👹 : WHy are yOU thINking that!?
Ruby 🌷 : Because my cousin is shifting to our school
Jess 👹 : Whats so special about 'CBS' !?
Ruby 🌷: I thought you would always say "Noo ruby its 'Cherry Blossom School', Get it right!"
Jess 👹 : That was when I was obsessed with English okayyyy
Ruby 🌷 : whatever, but I really should be getting some sleep
Jess 👹 : Same ttyl
Ruby 🌷 : Yeah I'll talk to you in school lol

                September 1 Monday 1:50 am

Jess 👹 : Nope I can't sleep.
Ruby 🌷: Let me try to sleeepppp!!!
Jess 👹 : Nooo I will spam you if you sleep!!
Ruby 🌷: Goodnight ✨✨✨✨
Jess 👹: Spaming starts now!!!

(The rest of the messages were of Jess spaming the groupchat with random things)
Emerald POV:
Emerald : Why do they text that much?

I quickly finished my pancake and then I started to get up and then head out the door.

My mom was waiting in the car and then I sat in the backseat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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