14. Our Wedding. Khalid's POV II

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Zahra's mom approached us and invited us to the table to have food. There was a special table reserved for the bride and groom. It accommodated 10 people, with seating arrangements including Zahra's siblings, parents, my step parents, Adil, and Hafsa.

I assisted Zahra down the steps, her hand nestled securely in mine, two of her cousins gracefully lifting her veil to ease her passage to the table. With a gallant gesture, I pulled out a chair for her, ensuring her comfort before settling in beside her. Before us, a grand platter of fragrant mutton biryani awaited, its aroma tantalizing our senses.

Rising from my seat, I sought Zahra's permission to serve her, her bashful nod encouraging me to proceed. With care and anticipation, I filled her plate with the savory dish, silently hoping it would meet her approval. I had spared no expense, enlisting the expertise of a renowned Indian chef from Hyderabad to craft our waleema biryani, aiming to leave Zahra impressed with the flavors of our union.

Alongside the biryani lay an array of delectable side dishes: crispy fried chicken, aromatic green peas curry, tangy pineapple chutney, sweet date acharu, savory Maldive fish sambol, and cooling raitha. After ascertaining her preferences, Zahra graciously accepted everything but the green peas curry. Once her plate was filled to her satisfaction, I served myself and resumed my place beside her.

As we savored the flavors of our first meal together as husband and wife, a group of lively girls, undoubtedly Zahra's cousins, encircled our table. With mischievous smiles, they insisted that I feed Zahra a mouthful of food from my plate, using my hand. Blushing furiously, Zahra hesitated, but her eyes sparkled with amusement. Undeterred, the girls' playful persistence prevailed, and I gladly indulged them, feeding my beloved bride with a tenderness that matched the affection in my heart.

Amidst the camera flashes and the girlish giggles, Zahra returned the gesture, delicately feeding me in turn. In that moment, I could have sworn that was the best morsel of food I had ever tasted in my life.

Once dinner and dessert had been served, I escorted Zahra back to the throne, where we stood together for photographs amidst our family and friends. People approached us with warm greetings and blessings, expressing their joy at witnessing our union. Among the crowd were my business partners and friends from abroad, whom I proudly introduced to Zahra as my wife.

Despite her shyness, Zahra greeted them with a gentle nod and averted gaze, her demeanor reflecting her humility and respect. In those moments, my heart swelled with gratitude for her grace and poise, reinforcing my conviction that I was truly blessed to have her by my side.

As the crowd began to disperse and the photography sessions came to an end, I leaned in close to Zahra and whispered in her ear, asking if she was ready to leave. With a smile and a nod, she confirmed her readiness. I signaled to Adil to join us and handed him the keys to my car, requesting him to bring it to the front. He eagerly accepted the task, undoubtedly looking forward to a proper test drive of the Rolls Royce.

As we made our way towards the exit, a group of our closest family and friends accompanied us. While this departure deviated slightly from tradition, Zahra's parents had no objections. Typically, the groom and his family would visit the bride's home for coffee, after which the groom would remain with her family. However, I had requested to take Zahra with me to my place, and her parents had graciously consented after she agreed. Her family would follow us home and once she had settled, they would leave.

Adil brought the Rolls Royce to the front, drawing the attention of onlookers who weren't part of the waleema festivities. As Adil prepared to drive us home, Zahra and I settled into the backseat, while Hafsa joined us in the passenger seat.

Adil revved the car to life, and we sped away. Zahra nestled close to me, and I wrapped my arm around her, feeling her warmth against me as she leaned on my chest. "Are you tired, my love?" I asked softly. She nodded gently. "I need to pray Isha," she said. "Okay, my love," I replied. "When we get home, you can."

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