12. A Choice Of Hearts

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"Girl, move!" Marha whispered urgently, nudging Arwa aside. We were in my room, where a makeup artist named Bisan had been called to do my makeup and hijab style for the functions. Today was the mehendi function, and we had decided to host it in our backyard

As Bisan brushed blush onto my cheek, Marha and Arwa eagerly tried to peer out my window to see if Khalid had arrived yet. All the guests were downstairs, mainly women, gathered for the festivities. Khalid had called earlier that morning, expressing his desire to see me before the nikah ceremony tomorrow. We hadn't spoken again after he called to ask if I had received my wedding lehenga, although he made it a point to call my father every day to inquire about my well-being.

While Bisan worked on my makeup, I remembered that my father told me that Khalid would be coming over and mentioned it to the girls. With a squeal, Marha and Arwa rushed to the window, both eager to be the first to inform me of his arrival.

Just as Bisan was putting the last pin on my shawl, Arwa yelled, "He is here!" My stomach did a somersault at the announcement.

"Dang," Marha said with a grin. "I can't believe you bagged him," she teased.

I laughed, feeling a rush of nerves mixed with excitement. "You do remember you're engaged, right?" Arwa reminded Marha, her tone playful.

Marha chuckled, clearly enjoying the moment.

My mother's voice called me downstairs, and with Arwa and Marha's help steadying the ends of my dress to prevent any mishaps, I made my way to the seat reserved for me as the bride. Sitting down, I became acutely aware of all the women's eyes fixed on me.

The backyard garden decoration was nothing short of enchanting. Fairy lights adorned every tree, casting a soft, ethereal glow that danced in the gentle breeze. Beneath the canopy of twinkling lights, colorful lanterns swayed gently, adding a touch of whimsy to the scene. Delicate floral arrangements adorned each table, their vibrant hues popping against the lush green backdrop of the garden. As guests mingled, the sweet scent of jasmine and roses filled the air, adding to the magical ambiance of the evening.

Asia and Hafsa approached, their faces alight with excitement. "You look stunning!" they exclaimed, and I couldn't help but grin shyly in response.

Hafsa leaned in, her voice filled with anticipation. "Khalid is here right now. How do you feel?"

I met her gaze, my nerves betraying me. "I feel like I'm going to throw up," I admitted honestly, feeling my hands and knees tremble while my stomach churned with nerves.

Concern flickered in Asia's eyes as she asked, "Are you okay, Zahra?"

Before I could answer, Waseem appeared, ushering them away with a firm hand. "Khalid is coming to see you," he announced, setting my heart pounding even faster.

True to his word, a few seconds later, Khalid emerged from the crowd, accompanied by Adil and another man. I couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu as I glanced down, reminiscing about just a month ago when it was Hafsa seated on the bridal seat, with Adil walking towards her, Khalid by his side. It felt like an eternity ago, although it was merely a fleeting moment in time.

"Hello, my love," he said tenderly as he approached me.

I blushed at his endearment, feeling a rush of warmth spreading through me.

"May I sit next to you?" he asked with gentle politeness. I nodded in response, my gaze still lowered in shyness. A chair was promptly pulled up for him, and he settled down comfortably beside me.

Adil and the other man had wandered off to the side, leaving us in our own bubble of intimacy. Khalid looked impeccable as usual, dressed in one of his crisp suits. A stunning silver watch adorned his left wrist, catching the light and sparkling subtly. The scent of his cologne was intoxicating, adding to his allure.

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