.6 A Race Under The Full Moon

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The flecks of water that splashed onto the hot hopper pan hissed softly, adding to the bustling ambiance of the party. It was another splendid day, marked by an extravagant outdoor gathering hosted by Mahra's mom for the women in their family.

Known for her exquisite parties, Mahra's mom transformed their expansive backyard into a feast for the senses. Nestled in the affluent area of Colombo known as Hortons Place, their backyard, typically adorned with vibrant flowers and a shimmering pool, now became the focal point of the celebration.

Three sides of the yard were lined with enticing food stalls, each offering a culinary delight. Guests could meander around, selecting their desired dishes and watching them being expertly prepared before their eyes—an experience in itself.

At the hopper stand, a lady skillfully dished out piping hot, crispy hoppers accompanied by flavorful chili sambol. Patrons had the option to enjoy plain hoppers or request an egg nestled within.

Adjacent to it, two ladies delighted a crowd with their pani puri creations, their stall buzzing with excitement.

Meanwhile, a barbecue station sizzled with spicy tandoori chicken thighs, succulent lamb chops, and the aroma of grilling meats wafted through the air.

By the poolside, golden jalebis were fried to perfection, their sugary syrup glistening under the sun's rays. With an array of other enticing food stalls to explore, the options seemed endless.

In the heart of the garden, two long tables, each capable of seating thirty guests, were elegantly adorned with lace-bordered white tablecloths and fresh flowers. Whether seated or standing, guests could indulge in their chosen delicacies while engaging in lively conversation.

I piled my plate high with food, then slipped into a quiet corner to enjoy my meal while soaking in the surroundings. Flying under the radar was crucial—I wasn't up for fielding questions about my life, especially with the constant possibility of my mom showing up with that disapproving look of hers.

I enjoyed my meal, relieved that no one joined me at the table. A few passing women acknowledged me with nods, but none lingered. Finishing my food, I stood and walked over to the stack of dirty dishes, where a maid would swiftly remove them once they reached a certain number. After depositing my plate, I headed to the kitchen sink to wash my hands. There, I found Hafsa chatting animatedly with Asia and Marha, her eyes lighting up when she saw me.

"Hey there!" Hafsa greeted me excitedly. "We were just talking about you."

"Oh, really?" I replied, curious.

"Yeah," she said. "Adil and his dad are at your house right now, while you're here."

"Okay," I said, lathering my hands with soap wondering why I should care about that.

"So, guess who's with them," Hafsa teased.

"Who?" I asked, puzzled.

"Khalid," she announced with a grin.

Now thoroughly confused, I turned to face her.

"And?" I prompted.

"OMG, Zahra, you're so slow," Marha chimed in with a playful grin

"Adil told me Khalid plans to ask for your hand in marriage through his father,"

I was too stunned to speak, my mind swirling with questions. Why was he interested in me? Every time we met, I had made a fool of myself. What would my dad even say? Didn't he say he was going to Qatar?

The last question slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it.

"He is leaving tomorrow," Hafsa confirmed, looking at me with a questioning expression. "But how did you know that?"

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