intentional love

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Nandini is the 3rd daughter of Satya Murthy her mother also a teacher

Prabhas Murthy a hardworking honest man who is also manager in a small company

Roshni , Laxmi is elder than nandini and gauri is the youngest and most spoilt one

Prabhas wanted a son but gob never give not that he doesn't love his daughter they are his Jaan he'll do anything to protect them and want to give all the fortunes of the world

He thinks it would be easier to have son one that could earn and carry his name ,he did changed his mindset later on

On other side Satya Murthy is orthodox lady one who abide by all the rules and restrict of society

She never let any of her daughter to engage in the westernization, in a place like banglore they never go to any pub or wear exposing clothes

Though her younger daughter break  a few rules but she can adjust with it afterall youngest is the mother's favourite

Roshni and Laxmi are the boss of the house they both are twins so they manage home help nandini and gauri in their home work and also boss around sometime asking them to do petty things to go to Shop or take the remote while they are watching tv

Gauri fights and get everything, Laxmi and roshni no need to ask because they are priority to her parents

In all of this nandini feel ignored she is introvert and couldn't articulate her thoughts she lack social skills that leads to left out feeling and distance from family

Not that she doesn't try but when she gather courage to speak up she was ignored by her mother and shushed by her sisters either they'll make fun of her feelings or just never put any attention to it

She remembers one time it was her birthday and everybody forgot to wish her and when she tell her father he bring cake but it was  cut by Gauri and all family eating it watching tv because she was sad that her friends gone to party and her mother refused her to join

That day nandini feels so lonely and nobody was even affected by it
She was always the understanding one who sacrifice and adjust all the time because gauri is younger and stubborn she have to bear her tantrums

She some times think that why the understanding one gets punished for her kind heart why the parents are ready to sacrifice the smallest of the joy of her own kid just because other kid will throw a tantrums why one has to give everything they like just because they are not complaining

Nandini for the first time try explain it to her parents

Gulping her tears and with meek voice she complained that it's her birthday and she wants to celebrate it

But in return she get the accusing glare from her mother saying she can't cry for such small things and her father said he will bring a new cake for her

It's not about the cake mom dad can I ever become your priority why you never notice me am studying hard but never heard a word of appreciation I do all the things but still get taunts why I should be the only one why can't you tell any of your other daily to sacrifice something or adjust

Why it's so easy to just silence me and pretend that you never did wrong

Gauri: nandini stop creating a drama

Prabhas: beta I'm tired don't be sad I'll bring a new cake tomorrow and your favourite chocolates as well

Her sister gave her disappointed 😞 look and left from there

Morning non of her sister where talking to her and her mother glare her for not getting breakfast at time

It was nothing new whenever she wants to express herself she get this - silent treatment

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