Ch. 2: Complications, Father/Son, Izuku's Job

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Bean Machine

Izuku's Pov.

The next day, I started out with just a workout, shower, and Breakfast. I decided to hang out with my girlfriend by going to a coffee place.

I drove us there and we decided to talk about times we had in the past in Los Santos.

Izuku: Man, things have been pretty crazy in Los Santos.

Katsumi: 'sighs' Tell me about it. I mean you and Auntie used to be at the bottom but you're built back up to the top.

Izuku: The same for you but we're not the way there.

Katsumi: Yeah, I know what you are thinking about, him?

Izuku: 'sighs' Yeah, every time I hear his voice, it's nails through a chalk broad.

Katsumi: It doesn't matter. As long as he's gone and away from us as possible.

Izuku: Yeah.

I took a sip of my coffee and my phone rings. I heard a notification from my phone and it text from Franklin.

Izuku: It's Franklin.

Katsumi: What does he want this time?

Izuku: 'sighs' He needs help to steal a yellow SUV that a guy just paid for. He also mentioned that Simeon found about me helping so I'm gonna help him.

Katsumi (sarcastic): Ain't that nice.

I took another sip and got up to throw it away.

Izuku: You want me to drop you off.

Katsumi: No, I'll just call a cab.

Izuku: Alright, wish me luck, Love you.

I kissed her lips before walking away.

Katsumi: I love you too and good luck.

I got in my car and drove off to the place. Franklin sent me the address, Vinewood Hills and he's by the big Mansion.

De Santa Residence

3rd Pov.

Izuku arrived at the place. He parked his car nearby, took his keys and got out.

He walked up to Franklin and spoke.

Izuku: Hey, why did you ask me and not Lamar?

Franklin: C'mon, man. You know what happened last time. Plus, he's busy

He thought about yesterday and nodded.

Izuku: Yeah, we almost died but he was probably upset about something.

Franklin: Upset about what?

Izuku: 'sighs' Because you got appreciation even though he did some work for that scum boss of yours.

Franklin: Oh, is that right?

Izuku in Los Santos (GTA V)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora